Google Ads for B2B: 20 Success Stories

Google Ads for B2B: 20 Success Stories

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Google ads for B2B Success stories oil painted

In the world of B2B, effective marketing strategies are critical for growth and lead generation. Google Ads has proven to be a powerful tool, allowing B2B companies to connect with potential clients, optimize their marketing efforts, and drive meaningful results.

From keyword research to ad campaign optimizations, many B2B businesses have leveraged Google Ads to achieve outstanding success.

This article will explore 20 inspiring success stories of B2B companies that have harnessed the power of Google Ads to grow their business.

Salesforce Pardot: Maximizing B2B Lead Generation with Keyword-Focused Google Ads and CRM Integration


Salesforce Pardot, a B2B marketing automation solution, used Google Ads to target businesses looking for lead generation and marketing automation tools. Their strategy focused on reaching B2B companies in need of robust marketing automation that could help them track, nurture, and convert leads into sales.


Keyword Targeting: Pardot targeted keywords like “B2B marketing automation,” “lead generation software,” and “marketing automation for businesses.” These high-intent keywords ensured they captured businesses that were ready to invest in automation tools.

Ad Copy: Pardot’s ad copy emphasized the platform’s ability to nurture leads, track engagement, and provide detailed analytics. Phrases like “Automate your lead generation with Pardot” and “B2B marketing automation built for businesses” positioned Pardot as a solution that could streamline the entire marketing process.

Ad Extensions: Sitelink extensions directed users to resources such as case studies, product features, and free trials, while callout extensions highlighted the platform’s integration capabilities with Salesforce CRM. This provided potential customers with an understanding of how Pardot could fit into their existing tech stack.


• Increased conversion rates due to the targeted nature of their ads, which focused on businesses already familiar with marketing automation.

• Higher click-through rates (CTR) from businesses looking to integrate Pardot with Salesforce CRM, thanks to the emphasis on easy integration in their ads.

• Significant growth in lead generation from B2B companies, driven by a combination of targeted keywords and personalized ad copy.


By positioning themselves as the ultimate marketing automation tool for B2B companies, Pardot successfully used Google Ads to attract businesses looking to automate their lead generation and marketing efforts.

Zendesk: Boosting Customer Support Engagement Using Ad Extensions and Remarketing for Direct Lead Generation


Zendesk’s success was built on combining ad extensions with a highly effective remarketing strategy, aimed at engaging customer service managers searching for support tools. They targeted specific keywords such as “best customer support software” and “helpdesk solutions for businesses.”


Ad Extensions: Zendesk used various ad extensions to enhance their ads, including:

Sitelink extensions that led directly to case studies, product demos, and pricing pages.

Callout extensions that highlighted key product features like multi-channel support, 24/7 service, and AI-driven automation.

Remarketing: Through remarketing ads, Zendesk targeted users who had visited their website but didn’t convert. By showing them personalized ads offering free trials or demos, they managed to stay top-of-mind for prospects still researching solutions.

Targeted Ad Copy: Their ad copy emphasized Zendesk’s ability to streamline customer support processes, particularly for businesses handling large volumes of inquiries.


• Higher click-through rates (CTR) due to the detailed and informative ad extensions.

• Increased conversion rates by re-engaging visitors with remarketing ads, resulting in more completed sign-ups for product demos and trials.

• Stronger brand recall, as prospects were exposed to Zendesk’s ads multiple times during their search journey.


Zendesk’s use of ad extensions provided prospects with quick access to key decision-making resources, while remarketing ads ensured that interested leads returned to convert, even if they didn’t act on their first visit.

HubSpot: Scaling Lead Generation with Dynamic Search Ads and Long-Tail Keywords for Targeted Acquisition


HubSpot capitalized on Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) combined with long-tail keywords to cover a wide range of search queries related to CRM, marketing automation, and lead generation. DSAs allowed HubSpot to automatically generate ads based on the content of their website, targeting both broad and niche searches.


Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs): HubSpot used DSAs to automatically match relevant ads to long-tail search queries without needing to create separate ads for each variation. This allowed them to scale their Google Ads campaigns quickly while maintaining relevancy.

Long-Tail Keywords: HubSpot targeted long-tail keywords like “best CRM for small businesses” and “automated lead generation tools for agencies.” These keywords had lower search volumes but higher intent, ensuring that HubSpot’s ads reached users further down the purchase funnel.

Ad Extensions: HubSpot integrated structured snippets and sitelinks to provide users with additional options, such as free trial sign-ups and educational resources (e.g., blog posts and case studies).


Higher conversion rates due to long-tail keywords that attracted users with a clear intent to purchase or sign up for HubSpot’s services.

• Lower cost per acquisition (CPA) by targeting niche audiences with specific needs, leading to more efficient ad spending.

• Improved ad scalability through the use of DSAs, enabling HubSpot to expand its reach without creating hundreds of unique ads.


HubSpot’s ability to target users through dynamic ads and long-tail keywords provided a cost-effective way to reach niche audiences while maintaining high conversion rates.

Dropbox Business: Attracting Security-Conscious Clients with Targeted Keywords and High-Compliance Ad Campaigns


Dropbox Business built their Google Ads strategy around keyword targeting focused on data security, which was a top concern for their business clients. By prioritizing keywords such as “secure cloud storage for business” and “enterprise file sharing with encryption,” Dropbox addressed the pain points of industries that handle sensitive data.


Keyword Focus: Dropbox identified that their core customers—businesses in healthcare, finance, and legal sectors—valued security and compliance above all else. They targeted specific industries with keywords like “HIPAA-compliant cloud storage” and “secure file sharing for law firms.”

Audience Segmentation: They segmented their audience into industries with strict data protection requirements, customizing their ads to speak directly to each sector’s security concerns.

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): Dropbox used RSAs to dynamically test multiple headlines and descriptions, ensuring that the most relevant ad combinations were shown based on the user’s search query.

Ad Extensions: Callout extensions were used to emphasize features like encryption, security protocols, and multi-device collaboration, making it easier for prospects to understand Dropbox’s value propositions at a glance.


• Increased click-through rates by showcasing security features in the ads and ensuring their relevance to the target audience.

• Significant growth in qualified leads due to the targeted nature of the campaign and the focus on industries with specific security needs.

• Improved ROI through audience segmentation and the use of RSAs to continuously optimize ads for performance.


By focusing on security-focused keywords and targeting industries with high compliance standards, Dropbox was able to position itself as a trusted cloud storage solution provider for businesses with sensitive data needs.

Asana: Driving Conversions Through A/B Testing and Optimized Ad Copy for Task Management Software


Asana relied on A/B testing to fine-tune every element of their Google Ads campaigns. They tested various combinations of ad headlines, descriptions, and landing page layouts to determine the most effective way to convert prospects into users of their task management software.


A/B Testing: Asana continuously tested different ad headlines such as “Task management software for growing teams” versus “Organize workflows effortlessly with Asana.” They also experimented with different CTAs, testing “Start your free trial” against “Get started with Asana for free.”

Ad Extensions: Price extensions were used to highlight Asana’s free plan, drawing in users who were hesitant to commit to a paid plan. Sitelinks directed users to resources like customer success stories, onboarding guides, and feature comparisons.

Landing Page Optimization: Asana tested variations of their landing pages to match the intent behind different search terms. For example, users searching for “team collaboration tools” landed on pages focused on Asana’s team management features, while those searching for “project management software” were directed to pages that emphasized task tracking and workflow automation.


• Improved conversion rates due to continuous optimization of ad copy, landing pages, and CTAs.

• Higher click-through rates as a result of A/B testing different combinations of ad extensions and descriptions.

• Reduced cost per conversion by fine-tuning the campaign to attract the most engaged users, leading to more efficient ad spending.


Through constant A/B testing and refinement of their campaigns, Asana was able to identify which combinations of ads and landing pages delivered the best results, improving both CTR and conversion rates.

Mailchimp: Engaging SMBs with Google Ads Extensions to Highlight Key Email Marketing Features


Mailchimp, a leading email marketing platform, used Google Ads to reach businesses in need of scalable email automation. Their strategy focused on ad extensions and audience segmentation to engage with potential customers at different stages of the decision-making process.


Ad Extensions: Mailchimp heavily used sitelink extensions to guide potential customers to specific resources, including case studies, pricing plans, and email marketing tutorials. This allowed users to explore the platform in greater detail without needing to leave the search results page. Callout extensions highlighted key features such as “Free forever plan” and “Easy email list management,” which attracted small and medium-sized businesses.

Segmented Campaigns: Mailchimp divided its ad groups by business size and industry. This segmentation allowed them to run targeted ads for small businesses, startups, and large corporations, tailoring the ad copy to address specific pain points. For example, ads targeting small businesses emphasized the ease of use and affordability of Mailchimp’s platform, while ads targeting larger enterprises highlighted the platform’s scalability and advanced analytics.

Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs): To capture a broader range of search queries related to email marketing, Mailchimp employed DSAs. These ads dynamically adjusted to match search terms like “email automation for small business” and “best email marketing tool for agencies,” ensuring Mailchimp’s ads appeared in front of a wide audience.


Higher engagement rates due to the use of ad extensions, which provided users with direct access to resources that helped them make informed decisions.

• A significant increase in conversion rates through audience segmentation, as ads were tailored to the needs of different business sizes and industries.

• Improved brand visibility and lead generation with the help of DSAs, which allowed Mailchimp to cover more relevant search queries.


Mailchimp’s approach of using ad extensions and tailored ad groups ensured that their Google Ads strategy catered to businesses of all sizes, helping them generate more leads and build a loyal customer base.

DocuSign: Capturing High-Compliance Clients with Google Ads Focused on Secure E-Signature Solutions


DocuSign leveraged Google Ads to drive leads for its digital transaction management and e-signature solutions. Their strategy centered on keywords related to security and compliance, particularly for industries like healthcare, finance, and law.


Keyword Focus on Compliance: DocuSign identified that businesses in sectors like healthcare, finance, and legal needed assurance that their digital signatures were compliant with industry standards. By targeting keywords like “HIPAA-compliant e-signature” and “secure digital signatures for legal firms,” DocuSign ensured they appeared in searches that demanded trust and compliance.

Customized Ad Copy and Landing Pages: DocuSign created custom landing pages for different sectors, such as healthcare, legal, and real estate, each emphasizing security and compliance. Their ad copy mirrored the compliance focus by using phrases like “secure, legally binding e-signatures,” and “trusted by global financial institutions.” This reassured users that DocuSign was the most reliable option for meeting their regulatory requirements.

Ad Extensions: To boost user engagement, DocuSign used sitelinks directing prospects to resources like case studies, legal certifications, and pricing for enterprise clients. This helped build trust and provided key decision-makers with additional information to make an informed decision.


Increased lead generation from industries with strict regulatory standards, such as healthcare and finance, where compliance was crucial.

• Improved click-through rates (CTR) due to the highly targeted nature of the ad copy and landing pages, which resonated with businesses that prioritized security.

• Significant boosts in conversion rates, particularly for larger organizations, due to the reassurance provided by industry-specific compliance messaging.


By focusing on compliance-driven keywords and custom messaging, DocuSign was able to position itself as the go-to solution for businesses requiring secure and legally compliant e-signature tools.

Slack: Driving B2B Growth with Audience Segmentation and Feature-Focused Google Ads for Collaboration Tools


Slack’s Google Ads strategy revolved around segmenting their audience and focusing on the specific collaboration needs of businesses. Their ads highlighted features such as team communication, integration with other tools, and scalability, aimed at attracting medium to large enterprises.


Audience Segmentation: Slack segmented its ads based on company size and industry, tailoring the messaging to emphasize features that would resonate most with each group. For example, ads targeting tech startups emphasized Slack’s ability to integrate with developer tools, while ads targeting enterprises highlighted Slack’s security features and scalability for large teams.

Feature-Focused Ad Copy: Each ad group was focused on highlighting key Slack features like “real-time messaging,” “file sharing,” and “video conferencing.” They used phrases like “Collaborate effortlessly with your team” and “Keep your remote team connected,” which directly addressed the pain points of businesses adapting to remote work.

Ad Extensions: Slack utilized sitelinks to direct users to product demos, pricing tiers, and success stories, while callout extensions highlighted integrations with major tools like Google Drive, Trello, and Salesforce, which made Slack an attractive choice for businesses already using those platforms.


• A significant boost in click-through rates (CTR) due to highly relevant ad copy that directly addressed the collaboration needs of their target audience.

• Increased conversion rates as Slack’s ads focused on the features that mattered most to different segments, such as integrations for startups and security for enterprises.

• Higher customer acquisition from larger businesses, driven by targeted messaging around scalability and security.


By effectively segmenting their audience and focusing on feature-specific ads, Slack managed to capture a wide range of businesses, from startups to large enterprises, each with varying collaboration needs.

Shopify: Attracting B2B E-commerce Clients with Tailored Ads and Industry-Specific Google Ads Campaigns


Shopify is traditionally associated with B2C e-commerce, but they also serve a robust B2B market. Shopify used Google Ads to attract B2B sellers looking to expand their e-commerce operations. Their strategy focused on industry-specific keywords and tailored messaging to position Shopify as the top solution for growing online businesses.


Industry-Specific Keywords: Shopify targeted keywords like “B2B e-commerce platform” and “enterprise e-commerce solutions,” ensuring their ads appeared in front of businesses seeking to sell products in bulk or manage wholesale orders. These keywords helped Shopify reach business owners looking for tailored e-commerce solutions for their unique B2B needs.

Custom Ad Copy: The ad copy highlighted Shopify’s flexibility and scalability, emphasizing features like wholesale pricing, advanced inventory management, and integration with enterprise-level CRM systems. Phrases like “Build your B2B storefront with Shopify” and “Manage bulk orders and wholesale pricing with ease” resonated with business owners.

Ad Extensions: Shopify included callout extensions that highlighted their multi-channel selling capabilities, allowing businesses to sell through online stores, marketplaces, and social media simultaneously. Sitelinks directed users to resources like Shopify’s pricing plans, success stories from other B2B sellers, and product demos tailored for wholesale businesses.


• Increased conversion rates among B2B sellers looking to manage large-scale operations, driven by Shopify’s targeted messaging.

• Higher CTR due to ads that spoke directly to the e-commerce needs of B2B businesses, especially those looking for enterprise-level solutions.

• Significant growth in Shopify’s enterprise client base, thanks to their focus on offering flexible and scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes.


By positioning itself as a flexible and scalable solution for B2B sellers, Shopify was able to capture a larger share of the e-commerce market, effectively bridging the gap between B2C and B2B.

Xero: Boosting Lead Generation with Targeted Google Ads for Cloud-Based Accounting Solutions


Xero, a cloud-based accounting platform, used Google Ads to attract both small businesses and enterprise clients seeking robust accounting solutions. Their focus on industry-specific keywords and compelling ads helped Xero increase its visibility in a crowded market.


Industry-Specific Keywords: Xero targeted specific search terms such as “cloud accounting for businesses” and “best accounting software for enterprises.” These keywords ensured their ads were seen by business owners actively searching for cloud-based accounting solutions that could scale as their companies grew.

Ad Extensions and Ad Copy: Xero used sitelinks to direct users to various features of their platform, such as payroll integration, expense management, and invoicing tools. Their ad copy emphasized ease of use and automation, with phrases like “Simplify your business accounting” and “Automate your invoicing and payroll with Xero.” The messaging focused on solving the pain points of busy business owners who needed an all-in-one accounting solution.

Call Extensions: Xero also included call extensions, enabling prospects to connect directly with their sales team for personalized consultations. This strategy was especially effective for enterprise-level clients needing more information about custom pricing or feature integrations.


Increased lead generation from small and medium-sized businesses seeking cloud-based accounting solutions.

• Higher conversion rates due to targeted ad copy and ad extensions that highlighted Xero’s core features and benefits for different industries.

• Enhanced visibility in competitive search terms, thanks to their focus on industry-specific keywords and clear value propositions.


By tailoring their Google Ads campaigns to the specific needs of businesses in different industries, Xero was able to attract a diverse range of clients, from small businesses to large enterprises, significantly boosting their lead generation efforts.

Trello: Driving Enterprise Adoption with Feature-Driven Google Ads for Project Management Solutions


Trello, a project management tool, utilized feature-specific targeting and audience segmentation to capture businesses in need of workflow management. By focusing on Trello’s unique features such as task organization, team collaboration, and easy integration with other tools, they positioned themselves as the go-to solution for enterprises looking to streamline their project management.


Keyword Targeting: Trello centered its Google Ads strategy around feature-driven keywords like “task management for teams,” “project management software,” and “collaboration tools for businesses.” This ensured their ads reached businesses looking for practical and flexible project management solutions.

Ad Extensions: Trello used sitelink extensions to direct potential customers to detailed product pages, including tutorials and customer success stories. Callout extensions highlighted integrations with platforms such as Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams, which were crucial to teams looking for seamless communication and project management.

Ad Copy: Trello’s ad copy emphasized the tool’s flexibility and ease of use, using phrases like “Organize your team’s projects in one place” and “Collaborate across departments effortlessly.” This messaging resonated with businesses that needed an intuitive solution for managing complex projects.


• Trello saw a substantial increase in click-through rates by focusing on the features that matter most to their target audience, especially businesses managing multiple teams or large projects.

• The use of feature-specific keywords and ad extensions helped boost conversion rates, leading to more sign-ups for their business-tier plans.

• Trello successfully captured more enterprise clients, expanding its customer base among larger organizations that needed scalable project management solutions.


By focusing on feature-specific targeting and offering integrations with widely-used tools, Trello was able to stand out in a competitive project management market and attract enterprise clients in need of a robust solution.

QuickBooks: Capturing Enterprise Leads with Google Ads Targeting Industry-Specific Accounting Needs


QuickBooks, a leader in accounting software, targeted enterprise clients by focusing on industry-specific keywords and ad customizations that highlighted their comprehensive features for managing business finances. Their strategy revolved around showing potential clients how QuickBooks could be tailored to their specific industry needs, whether for small businesses or large enterprises.


Keyword Strategy: QuickBooks focused on specific search terms like “enterprise accounting software,” “business bookkeeping solutions,” and “payroll software for businesses.” This allowed them to reach companies looking for tailored accounting solutions.

Ad Customization: QuickBooks used Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) to automatically generate ads that matched the content on their website. For example, DSAs targeted businesses in different industries like retail, healthcare, and construction, each ad reflecting industry-specific benefits such as tax compliance, payroll integration, and expense management.

Ad Extensions: QuickBooks used price extensions to showcase different pricing tiers, particularly for enterprise-level clients who required more advanced features. They also used callout extensions to highlight features such as real-time financial tracking, expense management, and tax automation, catering to the needs of larger companies managing complex financial operations.


• Significant increase in lead generation for enterprise clients seeking advanced financial tools.

• Improved conversion rates due to highly relevant ad copy that spoke directly to the unique needs of each industry, offering tailored solutions.

• Boosted click-through rates (CTR) as a result of customized messaging that emphasized specific features like tax compliance, financial forecasting, and payroll automation.


QuickBooks’ success in capturing enterprise clients lay in their ability to customize their Google Ads campaigns for different industries, making their platform highly attractive to businesses with unique accounting needs.

Zoom: Tapping Into Remote Work Growth with Targeted Google Ads for Video Conferencing Tools


Zoom capitalized on the rapidly growing demand for video conferencing solutions by using targeted keyword ads focused on their platform’s reliability, ease of use, and scalability for businesses. They honed in on feature-specific keywords that addressed the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises.


Keyword Targeting: Zoom targeted keywords such as “enterprise video conferencing software,” “business communication tools,” and “secure video meetings for businesses.” This allowed them to capture businesses actively searching for reliable communication tools, especially during the transition to remote work.

Ad Copy and Extensions: Zoom’s ad copy emphasized ease of use, scalability, and security, which are essential for businesses managing large teams or holding high-stakes virtual meetings. Phrases like “HD video conferencing for enterprises” and “Seamless team communication” were used to appeal to businesses that prioritized high-quality and secure communications.

They also used sitelink extensions to direct prospects to product demos, pricing information, and customer case studies, while callout extensions highlighted key features like encryption, large participant capacity, and multi-device support.


• Significant growth in click-through rates (CTR) due to targeted ad copy that addressed the immediate needs of businesses adapting to remote work.

• A surge in conversion rates, particularly among enterprise clients, driven by Zoom’s focus on scalability, security, and easy integration with other tools.

• Increased sign-ups for enterprise-level plans due to ad extensions that highlighted Zoom’s ability to accommodate large teams and ensure secure, encrypted meetings.


Zoom’s ability to align its Google Ads campaigns with the shifting needs of businesses in the post-pandemic era helped them capture a large share of the video conferencing market, particularly among enterprise clients. Converting Leads Through Targeted Google Ads Focused on Workflow Automation for Teams

Strategy, a work operating system (Work OS), used Google Ads to target businesses looking for workflow management solutions. Their strategy emphasized task management features and team collaboration, appealing to a wide range of businesses, from startups to enterprises.


Feature-Specific Keywords: targeted keywords like “workflow management software,” “task tracking tools,” and “collaboration software for teams.” By focusing on keywords that reflected the specific needs of businesses looking for project management solutions, ensured their ads reached the right audience.

Ad Copy and Landing Pages: Their ad copy highlighted the ease of use and flexibility of their platform, with phrases like “Track tasks and manage workflows effortlessly” and “Streamline your projects with” Each ad group was tailored to a specific type of user, from small teams to large enterprises, with landing pages offering customized solutions for each audience.

Ad Extensions: Sitelink extensions directed users to resources such as product demos, customer testimonials, and pricing information. Callout extensions highlighted key features like task automation, real-time tracking, and customizable dashboards.


Increased lead generation as a result of highly targeted ads focused on task and workflow management features.

• Improved click-through rates (CTR) due to relevant and engaging ad copy that addressed the needs of teams managing complex projects.

• Higher conversion rates, particularly from enterprises, due to ad extensions that showcased’s flexibility and ability to scale.

Takeaway’s focus on feature-specific targeting and tailored messaging allowed them to capture a diverse range of clients, from small teams to large enterprises, all looking for comprehensive project management solutions.

FreshBooks: Simplifying Small Business Finance with Google Ads Focused on Easy-to-Use Invoicing Tools


FreshBooks, a cloud-based invoicing and accounting solution, used Google Ads to target small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in need of streamlined billing and invoicing tools. Their strategy revolved around simplifying complex financial processes and providing user-friendly solutions for non-accountants.


Keyword Targeting: FreshBooks focused on keywords such as “simple invoicing software for small business,” “easy billing solutions,” and “best accounting software for freelancers.” These keywords were aimed at business owners who needed straightforward, easy-to-use tools for managing their finances.

Ad Copy and Extensions: FreshBooks emphasized ease of use in their ad copy, using phrases like “Create professional invoices in minutes” and “Track expenses and get paid faster.” Their messaging resonated with business owners and freelancers who didn’t have time for complex accounting software but still needed reliable tools.

Sitelink Extensions: FreshBooks included sitelinks that directed users to key pages, such as product demos, pricing plans, and customer testimonials. They also used call extensions that allowed prospects to connect with their sales team directly to inquire about features or plans.


Higher conversion rates from small business owners and freelancers who were drawn to the simplicity and efficiency highlighted in FreshBooks’ ads.

• Increased click-through rates (CTR) as a result of clear and concise messaging that addressed the pain points of managing invoices and billing.

• Enhanced visibility among SMBs and freelancers due to their targeted keyword strategy.


FreshBooks succeeded by targeting small business owners and freelancers who needed an easy-to-use invoicing and billing tool, offering them a user-friendly solution that simplified their financial management.

Adobe Sign: Securing Enterprise Clients with Compliance-Driven Google Ads for E-Signature Solutions


Adobe Sign, a leader in the digital signature space, utilized a security and efficiency-focused strategy for its Google Ads campaigns. Their primary goal was to attract large enterprises, legal firms, and financial institutions, all of whom needed a secure and compliant e-signature solution.


Keyword Targeting: Adobe Sign targeted keywords like “secure e-signature for businesses” and “enterprise digital signatures,” ensuring they appeared in front of organizations looking for trusted solutions. They also incorporated industry-specific keywords such as “e-signatures for legal documents” and “compliant e-signatures for finance.”

Ad Copy and Extensions: Adobe Sign emphasized the security and efficiency of their platform. Their ad copy included phrases like “Get documents signed securely, anytime, anywhere” and “Legally binding e-signatures trusted by Fortune 500 companies.” They used sitelink extensions to lead potential customers to resources such as compliance certifications, industry case studies, and pricing information for enterprise plans.

Remarketing Ads: Adobe Sign also employed remarketing strategies to re-engage users who had previously visited their website but had not yet converted. These remarketing ads offered trial extensions, free consultations, and demos, ensuring that Adobe Sign stayed top of mind for decision-makers still evaluating solutions.


• A significant increase in click-through rates (CTR), especially from industries that require stringent compliance, such as finance and law, thanks to their focus on security and trust.

• Improved conversion rates due to highly targeted ad copy and remarketing efforts, which re-engaged users who initially hesitated.

• A substantial boost in lead generation from large organizations, driven by Adobe Sign’s ability to emphasize compliance and security through tailored ads and landing pages.


By focusing on industry-specific compliance needs and using a remarketing strategy to recapture leads, Adobe Sign successfully positioned itself as the top choice for enterprises needing secure, legally binding e-signatures.

Insightly: Growing SMB Client Base with Tailored Google Ads for Simple and Affordable CRM Solutions


Insightly, a CRM platform tailored for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), used Google Ads to expand their reach and attract small business owners in need of customer relationship management tools. They focused on simplifying CRM and making it accessible to non-technical users.


Keyword Targeting: Insightly targeted keywords such as “CRM for small businesses,” “simple CRM for SMBs,” and “affordable customer relationship management.” These keywords were designed to capture business owners and managers looking for cost-effective CRM solutions that wouldn’t require significant technical expertise.

Ad Copy: Their ad copy emphasized ease of use, affordability, and automation features. Phrases like “Manage your customer relationships effortlessly” and “Affordable CRM for small businesses” resonated with their target audience. They also highlighted key product features such as task management, sales tracking, and customer database integration.

Ad Extensions: Insightly used price extensions to display pricing options, particularly for their free and entry-level plans, which appealed to small businesses with limited budgets. Sitelinks directed users to customer testimonials, product demos, and a features page where they could learn more about the platform’s capabilities.


• Significant increase in click-through rates (CTR) from SMBs, thanks to targeted ads that focused on ease of use and affordability.

• Higher conversion rates as a result of emphasizing low-cost plans and the ability to scale as businesses grew.

• Increased sign-ups for their free and lower-tier plans, which helped funnel users into the platform and later upsell them to premium plans.


Insightly’s strategy of targeting small businesses with affordable, easy-to-use CRM solutions through Google Ads allowed them to grow their customer base significantly. Their use of price extensions and simple, feature-focused messaging made CRM accessible to SMBs.

Intercom: Capturing B2B Clients with Targeted Google Ads for Customer Support and Messaging Solutions


Intercom, a customer communication and messaging platform, utilized Google Ads to target B2B clients looking for customer support tools. Their strategy focused on engaging businesses needing seamless customer communication across multiple channels, including messaging, email, and chatbots.


Keyword Targeting: Intercom targeted high-intent keywords like “customer support software for enterprises,” “business communication tools,” and “messaging software for businesses.” These keywords ensured their ads appeared in front of businesses actively seeking to improve customer communication and support.

Ad Copy: Their ad copy emphasized the ease of connecting with customers through multiple channels. Phrases like “Simplify customer communication with Intercom” and “Chatbots, live chat, and email support—all in one platform” resonated with businesses looking to streamline their customer service.

Ad Extensions: Intercom used callout extensions to highlight features like automation, chatbots, and integrations with CRM systems. Sitelink extensions directed users to pricing pages, product demos, and success stories, providing them with additional information on how Intercom could benefit their business.


• Increased click-through rates (CTR), particularly from B2B clients in industries like e-commerce, SaaS, and finance, where customer communication is crucial.

• Higher conversion rates due to ads that focused on multi-channel communication solutions and seamless integration with existing business tools.

• Growth in enterprise-level sign-ups, driven by the emphasis on automation and chatbot features that appeal to large businesses with high customer interaction volumes.


Intercom’s focus on customer support and communication tools through targeted Google Ads allowed them to capture B2B clients, particularly in industries that prioritize customer engagement.

Marketo: Boosting B2B Lead Generation with Advanced Marketing Automation Through Google Ads


Marketo, a leading marketing automation platform, used Google Ads to attract B2B companies looking for robust automation solutions to improve their lead generation efforts. Their strategy focused on reaching businesses in need of advanced tools to track and nurture leads through the sales funnel.


Keyword Targeting: Marketo targeted high-intent keywords such as “B2B marketing automation,” “lead nurturing software,” and “marketing automation for enterprises.” By focusing on businesses that were actively searching for ways to improve their lead generation and conversion processes, Marketo was able to attract clients that were primed to invest in advanced solutions.

Ad Copy: Their ad copy emphasized Marketo’s ability to improve lead quality and conversion rates through sophisticated automation and analytics tools. Phrases like “Automate your lead generation with Marketo” and “Track, nurture, and convert leads with advanced marketing automation” resonated with businesses that needed a scalable solution for managing large volumes of leads.

Ad Extensions: Marketo utilized sitelink extensions to drive potential customers to product demos, case studies, and detailed product feature pages. Callout extensions highlighted Marketo’s integration capabilities with major CRMs and tools, such as Salesforce, which made it easy for businesses to integrate marketing automation into their existing workflows.

Remarketing Campaigns: Marketo also employed remarketing ads to re-engage prospects who had visited their website but hadn’t yet converted. These ads focused on offering personalized demos and showcasing case studies that demonstrated how other B2B companies successfully used Marketo to drive growth.


• Significant increase in conversion rates due to the focus on lead generation and nurturing, which appealed to businesses looking for long-term, sustainable growth.

• Boosted click-through rates (CTR) by targeting high-intent keywords and using ad copy that directly addressed the pain points of B2B marketing teams.

• Growth in enterprise-level sign-ups, driven by the platform’s ability to integrate seamlessly with existing CRMs and offer advanced analytics for lead tracking.


Marketo’s targeted approach to Google Ads allowed them to attract businesses focused on improving their lead generation and marketing automation efforts. By focusing on high-intent keywords and using remarketing to re-engage prospects, Marketo was able to generate significant growth among B2B clients.

Hootsuite: Scaling Social Media Management for B2B with Targeted Google Ads for Enterprise-Level Solutions


Hootsuite, a leading social media management platform, used Google Ads to target B2B businesses in need of social media management tools. Their strategy focused on offering solutions that could help businesses manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and analyze performance across different platforms.


Keyword Targeting: Hootsuite targeted keywords like “social media management for enterprises,” “business social media tools,” and “social media scheduling software for teams.” These keywords allowed them to capture businesses needing to manage their social media presence at scale.

Ad Copy: Their ad copy emphasized ease of use and the ability to manage multiple accounts from a single dashboard. Phrases like “Manage all your social media in one place” and “Schedule posts and track engagement across platforms” spoke directly to businesses managing large-scale social media efforts.

Ad Extensions: Hootsuite used sitelinks to direct users to success stories from large enterprises, pricing plans for business accounts, and product demos. They also highlighted integrations with major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter in their callout extensions, making it easy for businesses to see the value of using Hootsuite to manage all of their social channels.


• Significant growth in click-through rates (CTR) as a result of targeted ad copy and extensions that resonated with businesses looking to streamline their social media efforts.

• Increased sign-ups for enterprise-level plans, driven by Hootsuite’s focus on offering solutions for businesses managing multiple accounts.

• Higher conversion rates from businesses needing analytics tools to track their social media performance, resulting in more enterprise clients.


Hootsuite successfully expanded its B2B client base by using Google Ads to promote its social media management solutions, positioning itself as the best option for businesses looking to manage and analyze their social media efforts at scale.


These 20 success stories demonstrate how powerful Google Ads can be for B2B companies when done correctly. From keyword research and ad optimization to tracking results and refining strategies, each of these companies has leveraged Google Ads to fuel growth, generate qualified leads, and build long-term success in the B2B space.

Whether you’re a small business offering electrical services or a large-scale enterprise, these success stories show the potential of Google Ads to drive impactful results for your business.

Let us Grow your Business with Google Ads

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