The Best Google Ads Forums to Discuss PPC On

A marketer's life can get lonely from time to time, especially when there are hardly any other like-minded individuals to discuss Google Ads with... As a Google Ads agency, we perfectly understand the need to talk PPC, and that's why we're listing the best Google Ads forums out there! You might actually be surprised to know that there are many fantastic forums that will help dissolve your solitude!

A word of warning, however: if you're wondering how to learn Google Ads from PPC forums, it's often the case that forums aren't the best medium for learning. Even if you find the best PPC forum of all time, or one dedicated to showing new marketers the ropes, you're still stuck having to learn one thread at a time.

Moreover, there's no guarantee that whoever is answering your question actually knows what they're talking about! Or even if they're actual experts, their explanation might not be clear at all. They may give convoluted answers with many technical terms... or they might miss out on certain fundamental details that they take for granted.

If you're a total beginner at Google Ads, there are much better ways of learning how to use the paid advertising platform than via forums. For example, our article on the best Google Ads courses explains which courses are the best to teach you how to use Google Ads from beginning to end!

Incidentally, these courses also offer certificates to mark their completion, which go great on their resume. There are also official accreditations from Google themselves, called Google Ads Certifications, that might interest you. If you wish to know which Google Ads certification is best for your marketing skills and requirements, we have a post dedicated for that.

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best google ads forums

The Best PPC Forums to Participate In

So, which are the best PPC forums that you should form part of in 2023? While we primarily looked at forums that discuss Google Ads, we also included forums that deal with PPC in general. So, no matter what form of paid advertising you do, you can find someone to chat with just the same!

Other than the below forums, you might be interested to know that some of the best Google Ads blogs also have open comment sections that also function as “mini forums” in their own right. These comment sections are also worth checking out as they might contain valuable insights from fellow PPC marketers.

Now, let’s cut to the chase and get down to the best Google Ads forums you ought to get involved in. 

1. Google Ads Help Community

google ads help community

Can we really write about the best Google Ads forums without mentioning the Google Ads forum? Of course, we’re talking about the Google Ads Help Community, the official Google Ads forum hosted by Big G themselves.

More than just a simple forum, the Google Ads Help Community is a forum, a “noticeboard” for announcements, and a help center all merged into one. And since it’s been created by Google themselves specifically with Google Ads users in mind, this forum is a must-follow for anyone using Google’s paid advertising platform.

Another reason why the official Google Ads forum is great is because experts in the platform are clearly marked with a kind of badge right next to their username, so you can rest assured that you are getting advice from someone who has racked up plenty of experience of using the platform!

2. r/adwords + r/googleads

reddit google ads forum

If you were looking for the best Google Ads forums on Reddit, we have actually grouped both of them under one heading. It wasn’t worth separating them as different entries—they’re more or less the same forums after all, and both are equally as active, each one boasting around 16K users.

The beauty of these Reddit forums is that they are solely about Google Ads, so if you only work with Google’s paid advertising platform, this is probably the most suitable Subreddit that you need to follow. However, be warned that these forums are not nearly as active as the more general PPC forum on Reddit.

reddit adwords forum

As with any other forum, the quality of the questions and answers you can find on these Subreddits vary as they depend on who the users are. However, you can find questions that range in complexity and subject, from questions about account verification, to what the average CPC ought to be, to help with analyzing stats and data.

3. r/PPC

reddit ppc forum

Our third entry in this listicle is the official Reddit PPC forum, and one of the biggest and most active pay per click forums around. In fact, at the time of writing, the r/PPC forum has nearly 150,000 members (around 148K in reality)! It’s even touted by Reddit as being part of the top 1% of Subreddits according to size.

And if you scroll through it, you can see why: there are multiple threads created during the day, with plenty of activity happening on each of the threads posted. But of course, that’s not including any threads that you may happen to start yourself.

The only “problem” with this forum, if you can call it that, is that it’s about PPC and paid advertising in general, so you won’t just see threads about Google Ads, but also threads on Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Bing Ads, etc. However, that only means that you have an opportunity to expand your general PPC knowledge!

4. AffiliateFix

affiliatefix ppc forum

Next we have AffiliateFix, which is described as the “most active and friendliest affiliate marketing community online” (well, that’s what they say about themselves at least!). This forum is actually massive, and deals with many different aspects of marketing, making it more of a general digital marketing forum rather than one dedicated to Google Ads.

So, if you’re also interested in learning more or posing questions about online marketing in general, this is another great forum to join. However, if you want to only stick to learning about paid advertising, then we would suggest sticking to the subforums that deal with that, particularly the pay per click forum.

On the PPC subforum, you’ll find a diversity of discussions and topics, from new users seeking assistence, to experts posting long-form guides. What’s also really good about AffiliateFix is that they offer a filtering system where you can filter threads by a number of criteria, like the type of thread, the last update, the last message, etc.

5. Moz Q&A

moz Q&A ppc forum

The Moz Q&A forum is a general online marketing forum that allows users to ask questions and providers answers on just about every facet of digital advertising. It’s the forum of the well-known SEO tool and blog, Moz, which any digital marketer will have heard of.

But what you might not have known is that it also has a PPC section that’s actually more active than you might intially assume! In this section, you will find a variety of questions that enquire about everything you can think of when it comes to paid search advertising—including, of course, questions about Google Ads. 

Naturally, however, if your interests in digital marketing are broader than Google Ads or paid advertising in general,  there is plenty more value that you can gain not just from Moz’s forum but also from the rest of the Moz website too.

Other than the rest of the topics available on the Moz Q&A forum, you will also find that Moz’s blog is a treasure trove of SEO insights. At the same time, they also offer a small handful of free SEO tools that you can use if your digital marketing requirements go beyond PPC.

6. WebmasterWorld

webmasterworld ppc forum

While this next forum looks like a website from the early 2000s, appearances are very often deceptive, as they say. WebmasterWorld is probably one of the original webmaster forums out there, with over 20 years in “operation”, so to speak, as it’s been active since the late 90s.

In other words, this forum has accumulated thousands of threads, each one teeming with potential knowledge that you didn’t know you might need! Or else, your question has already been answered somewhere on the forum, and you simply need to use the search function to find it.

WebmasterWorld has a dedicated subforum for Google Ads, which is great for us Google advertisers! but not only is the forum full to the brim with threads thanks to its decades-long existence but it’s also quite exhaustive when it comes to the breadth of topics that are discussed.

So, if you’re actually interested in other parts of digital marketing, this is also a fantastic PPC forum that you could use.

7. Warrior Forum

warrior forum google ads forum

Well, contrary to what the name implies, this isn’t a forum that’s dedicated to the discussion of combat or military systems, but it’s actually another impressively old forum. With over 20 years in existence, Warrior Forum has accumulated an impressive userbase: according to their own stats, they have just under two million users.

Naturally, this translates to a lot of online material, and Warrior Forum’s stats claim that there is almost 9 million posts and just under 800,000 threads on its domain. That’s pretty impressive if you ask us. What this means is that there’s bound to be an answer to your question somewhere in this forum.

Otherwise, you can submit your own question, which kinda goes without saying. And like most of the other forums we’ve been looking at, this is a massive digital marketing forum that not only has a dedicated PPC subforum, but it also has plenty of other subforums that deal with every aspect of marketing that you can think of.

Finally, Warrior Forum also has an associated blog, called Warrior Learn, that’s dedicated to teaching beginners aspects of digital marketing, including how to become better at using Google Ads!

8. Digital Point

digital point ppc forum

Next up is another forum that’s been around since the ancient days of the internet, back when SEO was a simple matter of keyword stuffing and social media was basically nonexistence. Yeah, we’re talking about the early 2000s. And without 20 years of being live, Digital Point has also accumulated thousands upon thousands of threads and posts.

Or, in other words, there is plenty of knowledge and information that is hidden away in this forum that only requires a little digging to uncover, either by using the search function or by simply manually going through the threads the good old-fashioned way. It’s really up to you!

While Digital Point is more of a general business and marketing forum, it has a dedicated PPC subforum which also has its own Google Ads forum—great for us Google advertisers! But of course, if you’re interested in more than just advertising on Google’s ads platform, then you can easily find insights, tips, and more on any kind of marketing.

Or else you can post your own questions if you can’t find what you’re looking for, which is the point of these forums anyway!

9. BlackHatWorld

blackhatworld google ads forum

A bit of a notorious digital marketing forum, BlackHatWorld allows its users to discuss every aspect of digital marketing under the sun, despite its advertising itself as a “BlackHat SEO Forum”. In fact, if you just look at the main menu on the side, you can see that there is plenty more going on than just blackhat SEO.

And naturally, since it find its inclusion in our listicle, it has a subforum for Google Ads advertising. Here you will also find threads that range from beginner level to people discussion and asking about obscure and niche concepts within paid advertising. So, you can definitely gain value from this forum no matter your level of experience.

However, bear in mind that since BlackHatWorld is a dedicated space for black hat tactics, you are going to find plenty of them. If you don’t know what that, black hat marketing is essentially marketing techniques that specifically go against Google’s guidelines.

If you don’t mind using these techniques, beware that if you are caught, there could be severe consequences, like having your Google Ads account blocked.

10. UK Business Forums

uk business forums

If you are in the market for any marketing forums UK, then we have found the forum for you! The UK Business Forums is a dedicated space for anyone that owns a business in the United Kingdom, so our British friends are definitely not left out when it comes to PPC forums.

Not only that, but it’s also a great place to learn how to start pay-per-click marketing as it’s a very beginner-friendly forum that also has a number of guides available for the absolute marketing beginner.

Other than that, the rest of the forum contains questions that deal with anything from questions by total beginners not knowing where to start, to seasoned marketers sharing their insights. If you don’t find what you’re looking, of course, there’s always the option to submit your own questions.

However, be warned that they don’t really have a dedicated section for either PPC or Google Ads, and they only have a general marketing subforum, which is why we’ve decide to place this forum last. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot glean any insights from this forum!

Which One of the Best Google Ads Forums 2023 Should You Join?

Well, this isn’t exactly a simple question to answer. We’re certain that each one of the above forums that we mentioned has plenty of value to offer, especially if there is a lot of engagement from many different marketers. After all, we firmly believe that you can learn something from everyone, no matter who they are.

It’s easy to see from reading our listicle, however, that each forum has something unique to offer: whether that’s beginner guides; in-depth guides for expert marketers; or niche tactics that not every marketer is willing to try out. The only way to find out for sure which forum is best for you is to browse through them yourself.

Finally, if you’re looking for more ways you can learn about Google Ads, we can recommend a few other mediums. Other than taking a course, or reading any of the biggest PPC blogs, you might consider listening to the best Google Ads podcasts while you’re having your work commute or while working on some tasks that might not require your full mental power.

Otherwise, if you consider yourself a bookworm, there’s always the option of reading any of the best Google Ads books. You would be surprised what kind of insights you can gain from reading them, even if they’re not as up-to-date as any of the online mediums we’ve mentioned. Last but not least, you can also turn to good old YouTube for some great videos.

We have an articles on the best YouTube channels to learn Google Ads from if you’re interested in learning solely via video content.

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