How Mortgage Brokers can get leads with Google Ads

How Mortgage Brokers can get leads with Google Ads

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Google Ads for Mortgage brokers

In today’s competitive mortgage industry, standing out and generating high-quality leads is more challenging than ever. Mortgage brokers are constantly seeking efficient ways to connect with potential borrowers. One of the most effective methods to do this is through Google Ads. Whether you’re a seasoned broker or just starting, learning how to leverage Google Ads can significantly increase your leads and, ultimately, your revenue.

In this guide, we’ll explore actionable tips and strategies tailored specifically for mortgage brokers to succeed with Google Ads. From selecting the right keywords to optimizing landing pages and managing ad campaigns, this article will help you unlock the potential of Google Ads in driving mortgage-related leads.

Identifying the Right Keywords for Mortgage Brokers

Keywords are the foundation of any successful Google Ads campaign, and as a mortgage broker, your goal is to target keywords that directly align with the services you offer and the needs of potential clients. The mortgage industry is highly competitive, so selecting the right keywords can mean the difference between attracting high-quality leads and wasting your budget on irrelevant clicks.

Targeting Mortgage-Related Keywords

Start by focusing on high-intent mortgage-related keywords that potential clients are likely to search when they are ready to act. Some examples include:

“mortgage broker near me”

“best mortgage rates”

“mortgage refinancing options”

“first-time homebuyer mortgage”

Additionally, you can focus on specific loan types and services you offer:

“FHA loans for first-time buyers”

“VA home loans broker”

“jumbo mortgage broker”

“reverse mortgage specialist”

These specific search terms show a deeper intent and often target people who are further along in the decision-making process, making them more valuable leads.

Long-Tail Keywords for Better Lead Quality

Mortgage brokers should also capitalize on long-tail keywords—phrases that are more specific and generally longer. For example, instead of just targeting “mortgage broker,” you might go for phrases like:

“mortgage broker for self-employed”

“low-interest home loans for first-time buyers”

“best mortgage rates for veterans”

These long-tail keywords usually have lower competition and higher conversion rates since they capture people with very specific needs, making them more likely to convert.

Keyword Match Types to Refine Targeting

Google Ads offers different keyword match types—broad match, phrase match, and exact match—to help you refine who sees your ads.

Exact match ensures your ad shows only when users search for your exact keywords. For example, if you bid on “mortgage broker in [city],” your ad will only appear if someone searches for that exact phrase.

Phrase match allows for flexibility, showing your ad when someone searches for the phrase along with other words (e.g., “best mortgage broker in [city]”).

Broad match gives your ad the most exposure, but be cautious as it can trigger your ad for loosely related terms, potentially wasting your budget.

By using a mix of these match types, you can ensure that your ads are displayed to the right audience, balancing reach and relevance.

Local Keywords for Geographic Targeting

Since many mortgage brokers operate in specific regions, incorporating location-based keywords is crucial for success. Keywords like:

“mortgage broker in [city]”

“mortgage advisor near [neighborhood]”

“home loan specialist in [state]”

These location-specific keywords ensure that your ads are reaching potential clients within your service area, increasing the chances of conversion. Geo-targeting can further refine your efforts by showing ads only to users within certain geographic boundaries, such as a specific city, county, or zip code.

Seasonal and Trending Keywords

Mortgage demand can fluctuate with economic conditions and market trends, so staying aware of seasonal keywords can give your campaigns an edge. During periods of low-interest rates or when new homebuyer incentives are introduced, searches for terms like “low mortgage rates” or “government homebuyer assistance programs” spike.

Additionally, stay updated on trending keywords by regularly using tools like Google Trends or Google Keyword Planner to capture current shifts in the market, such as increased searches for “remote work mortgage options” or “post-COVID mortgage rates.”

Using Tools to Discover Keywords

As a mortgage broker, you have access to several tools that can help with keyword research:

Google Keyword Planner provides data on search volume, competition, and cost-per-click for various keywords.

SEMrush or Ahrefs can offer insights into competitor keywords and search trends.

Google Trends helps you track search interest over time for specific mortgage-related keywords, so you can adjust your campaigns based on shifting demand.

By regularly refining your keyword strategy based on these tools, you can ensure that your ads stay relevant and continue to attract high-quality leads.

Utilizing Negative Keywords for Cost Efficiency in Mortgage Broker Campaigns

For mortgage brokers, Google Ads can generate highly qualified leads—but only if your budget is spent wisely. A crucial part of optimizing your campaign is building a targeted negative keyword list. These are keywords that you choose to exclude, ensuring your ads don’t appear for irrelevant searches. By focusing only on potential clients, you improve your cost-efficiency and the overall success of your campaigns.

Why Negative Keywords Matter for Mortgage Brokers

As a mortgage broker, you’re targeting a very specific audience: homebuyers, people looking to refinance, or those seeking specific loan products. Without negative keywords, you risk your ads appearing for terms unrelated to your services, such as job seekers, DIY mortgage researchers, or people looking for free advice. This not only wastes your ad budget but also lowers your click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score.

Negative keywords allow you to avoid:

Unqualified traffic: People searching for jobs or general information.

Low-intent queries: Users looking for definitions or free resources rather than taking action.

Geographically irrelevant searches: If you serve specific regions, you don’t want to pay for clicks from outside your area.

Specific Negative Keywords for Mortgage Brokers

When crafting a negative keyword list, mortgage brokers need to focus on terms that will likely attract users who are not actively looking for mortgage services. Here are specific examples relevant to the industry:

1. Job Seekers

Job seekers are common in search traffic, but they’re not looking for mortgage services. Exclude career-related terms such as:

“mortgage broker jobs”

“how to become a mortgage broker”

“mortgage broker salary”

“mortgage broker career”

2. DIY Mortgage Solutions

Some users may be searching for ways to handle their mortgage without professional help. These searches will not convert into leads for your brokerage. Add negative keywords like:

“how to refinance mortgage myself”

“mortgage without a broker”

“DIY mortgage loan application”

3. Free Advice or Tools

People searching for free tools or advice may not be in the market for paid services. To avoid wasting clicks on these low-intent queries, exclude terms such as:

“free mortgage advice”

“free mortgage calculator”

“no fee mortgage broker”

4. Educational and Informational Searches

Some users may be conducting research on mortgages for learning purposes rather than to find a broker. These users are less likely to convert into leads. Add negative keywords such as:

“mortgage broker definition”

“what does a mortgage broker do”

“how to become a licensed mortgage broker”

5. Competitor-Related Searches

Mortgage brokers should also consider excluding searches for direct competitors, especially if you know you’re not able to compete on certain terms. For instance:

“[competitor name] mortgage services”

“best mortgage broker in [city]” if you’re focusing on other areas.

Refining Negative Keywords Based on Mortgage Client Types

You can also create negative keywords based on the specific loan products you offer. For example:

If you specialize in VA loans: You might exclude terms like “FHA mortgage broker” or “first-time homebuyer mortgage” to avoid targeting the wrong clients.

For refinancing specialists: Add negative keywords like “new homebuyer mortgage” or “first-time buyer mortgage brokers” to prevent clicks from those looking for initial home loans.

Identifying Irrelevant Searches with Search Query Reports

As a mortgage broker, constantly refining your negative keyword list is vital to ensuring your ads are shown to the right audience. One of the best ways to find irrelevant search terms is by regularly reviewing your Search Query Report in Google Ads. This report shows the exact terms people are searching before clicking on your ads.

For example, you might discover that your ads are being triggered by searches like:

“mortgage broker interview questions”

“online mortgage broker training”

“mortgage broker license requirements”

Adding these terms to your negative keyword list will immediately prevent your ads from appearing in irrelevant searches, saving you money on clicks that won’t convert.

Geographically Targeting Mortgage Clients with Negative Keywords

Mortgage brokers often operate within specific regions or states, which means location matters. If you only serve clients in California, for example, you wouldn’t want to pay for clicks from users searching for “mortgage broker in Florida” or “home loans in New York.” Adding those locations as negative keywords will help you stay geographically relevant and eliminate wasted ad spend.

For mortgage brokers offering services in one or a few regions:

• Add states, cities, or regions you don’t serve as negative keywords.

• Exclude phrases like “national mortgage broker” or “online mortgage loans in [different city]” if you’re focusing on local or regional markets.

Fine-Tuning Negative Keywords for Different Loan Products

Mortgage brokers often cater to specific segments of the market, such as first-time buyers, refinancers, or veterans seeking VA loans. For each campaign, negative keywords must be customized according to the loan product being promoted. For example:

For a campaign targeting refinancers: Add negative keywords like “new homebuyer loans” or “mortgage for first-time buyers” to prevent your ad from being shown to the wrong audience.

For a VA loan campaign: Exclude terms like “conventional mortgage” or “jumbo loans” to ensure you’re focusing only on veterans seeking VA benefits.

Best Practices for Building and Maintaining Negative Keywords

1. Start Broad, Then Refine

Begin with broad categories of negative keywords—such as career-related or educational terms—and refine your list over time. Pay attention to new search terms that pop up in your Search Query Report and regularly update your list.

2. Create Different Negative Lists for Different Campaigns

If you’re running multiple ad campaigns, such as one for refinancing and one for first-time homebuyers, each should have its own set of negative keywords. For example, a refinancing campaign may include “mortgage broker for new buyers” as a negative keyword, while a first-time homebuyer campaign might exclude “refinancing options.”

3. Monitor Seasonal Trends

Mortgage brokers often see different types of clients during different seasons—such as a surge of homebuyers in spring. Regularly check which search terms are driving irrelevant clicks during different times of the year, and update your negative keyword list accordingly.

4. Update Your List Based on Loan Product Changes

As your brokerage expands to offer new loan products or withdraws old ones, you’ll need to revise your negative keyword list to ensure it reflects your current offerings.

Increasing Quality and Relevance Through Negative Keywords

A well-managed negative keyword list doesn’t just cut costs—it helps improve your overall campaign Quality Score. By excluding irrelevant searches, you increase the chances of only reaching potential clients who are genuinely interested in your mortgage services. This means:

Higher CTRs from more relevant audiences.

Better ad placements since Google rewards ads with higher relevance.

Lower costs-per-click (CPC), as you’re only competing for relevant, high-intent search terms.

By focusing your Google Ads on the most relevant mortgage-related searches and filtering out unqualified traffic, you maximize the value of every dollar spent on your campaign.

Structuring Your Ad Groups for Better Results

Creating well-organized ad groups in Google Ads is essential for maximizing your campaign’s effectiveness as a mortgage broker. Ad groups allow you to cluster your ads and keywords around specific themes, ensuring your ads are highly relevant to the audience you’re targeting. This relevance not only boosts your click-through rate (CTR) but also improves your Quality Score, ultimately lowering your cost-per-click (CPC) and maximizing conversions.

Why Ad Group Structure Matters

Properly structured ad groups help ensure that each ad is closely aligned with the keywords that trigger it, which is critical for matching search intent. When ads resonate with users’ specific needs—whether it’s first-time homebuyers or clients seeking refinancing options—they are more likely to click and convert.

Poorly structured ad groups with too many unrelated keywords can lead to lower CTRs, irrelevant traffic, and wasted ad spend. A refined structure gives you greater control over how you target potential clients and tailor your messaging to each segment of your audience.

Creating Ad Groups for Different Mortgage Services

Mortgage brokers should organize their ad groups by specific services or audience segments, making each ad highly relevant to the search query. Below are some essential ad group categories:

1. Mortgage Refinancing

• Focus on clients looking to refinance their current mortgages. Keywords like “mortgage refinancing options,” “refinance home loan,” and “low-interest mortgage refinance” are essential here.

• Create ad copy that highlights low rates, quick refinancing processes, or specific benefits like cash-out refinancing.

2. First-Time Homebuyers

• This group can target potential borrowers who are new to the mortgage process. Keywords might include “first-time homebuyer loans,” “low-interest mortgages for first-time buyers,” or “first-time homebuyer mortgage broker.”

• Ads should emphasize guidance for first-timers, affordable rates, and easy loan approval processes tailored to new homebuyers.

3. Loan Officers

• If your brokerage offers connections to loan officers or provides a loan officer service, create a separate ad group around this offering. Use keywords such as “find a loan officer,” “mortgage loan officer near me,” or “loan officer services.”

• The ad copy can focus on the expertise of your loan officers, quick approvals, and personalized mortgage services.

4. Commercial Mortgage Loans

• This ad group targets business owners or investors seeking commercial real estate loans. Keywords might include “commercial mortgage broker,” “business mortgage loans,” and “commercial real estate financing.”

• Ads can focus on fast approval processes, high loan amounts, and specialized commercial loan expertise.

Segmenting Based on Loan Types

Another highly effective strategy is to create ad groups around specific loan types. Mortgage brokers often deal with a variety of loan products, and each one appeals to a different target audience. Consider structuring your ad groups like this:

1. FHA Loans

• Target potential borrowers searching for government-backed loans. Use keywords like “FHA mortgage broker” or “FHA home loans for first-time buyers.”

• Highlight the benefits of FHA loans in your ad copy, such as lower down payments and easier credit requirements.

2. VA Loans

• Cater to veterans and active military members. Keywords such as “VA home loans” and “veteran mortgage broker” will help attract qualified leads.

• Tailor the ad messaging to emphasize the exclusive benefits of VA loans, like no down payment and low-interest rates.

3. Jumbo Loans

• For high-net-worth individuals, creating an ad group around jumbo loans (loans that exceed conforming loan limits) is key. Keywords might include “jumbo mortgage broker” or “jumbo loan rates.”

• Ads can highlight the availability of large loan amounts and competitive interest rates for luxury properties.

Ad Groups for Local Targeting

If you serve specific geographic areas, it’s important to set up ad groups that target local audiences. Mortgage brokers benefit greatly from local searches, as most borrowers prefer brokers who are familiar with their area’s real estate market. You can create ad groups based on cities, neighborhoods, or even zip codes.

For example:

“Mortgage broker in [city]”

“Home loan expert near [neighborhood]”

By focusing on location-based keywords, you can increase the relevance of your ads to people actively searching for mortgage services in your area. Additionally, using location extensions in your ads can further increase visibility and click-through rates for local searches.

Optimizing Ads Within Each Ad Group

Once your ad groups are created, it’s crucial to ensure that the ads and landing pages within each group are highly tailored to the keywords being targeted. Each ad should directly speak to the intent behind the search, providing potential clients with exactly what they’re looking for. For example:

• For a first-time homebuyer ad group, use language that reassures and guides the user through the mortgage process: “Get expert help on your first mortgage.”

• For a commercial loan ad group, highlight benefits like fast approvals, larger loan amounts, or flexible repayment options: “Unlock commercial mortgage loans with competitive rates.”

By matching ad copy and landing pages to each ad group’s theme, you can significantly improve ad relevance, which boosts your Quality Score and reduces your overall ad costs.

Using Ad Group Extensions

To further enhance performance, mortgage brokers can use ad extensions to provide additional, helpful information within their ads:

Call extensions allow users to click and call your office directly, which is especially useful for time-sensitive leads like refinancing inquiries.

Sitelink extensions can direct potential clients to specific pages, such as refinancing calculators, homebuyer guides, or rate comparison tools.

Location extensions show your brokerage’s address and make it easy for users to find your local office.

Tailoring Ads to Specific Demographics for Mortgage Brokers

Google Ads provides mortgage brokers with a powerful way to reach the most relevant clients by using demographic targeting. This allows you to customize your ad campaigns for different groups, ensuring that your message resonates with potential borrowers—whether they’re first-time homebuyers, homeowners looking to refinance, or high-net-worth clients seeking jumbo loans.

For mortgage brokers, tailoring ads to specific demographics means not just focusing on general traits like age or income, but aligning your messaging with the different needs and challenges of each client type. Here’s how mortgage brokers can effectively use demographic targeting to attract the right audience.

Key Demographic Targeting for Mortgage Brokers

1. Age-Specific Targeting for Mortgage Services

Different age groups represent different stages of homeownership, which directly impacts the type of mortgage services they seek. Here’s how to tailor your ads to match these age groups:

First-Time Homebuyers (Ages 25-35): Younger audiences, particularly in their late 20s to early 30s, are often entering the market for the first time. For this demographic, emphasize affordability, accessibility, and guidance through the mortgage process. Example ad copy:

“Buying Your First Home? Get Pre-Approved with Low Down Payments and Expert Guidance”

Refinancing for Middle-Aged Homeowners (Ages 35-55): Homeowners in this age bracket often seek refinancing to lower their mortgage rates, consolidate debt, or tap into home equity. Ads should focus on cost-saving benefits and financial stability:

“Refinance Your Mortgage and Reduce Your Monthly Payments Today”

Reverse Mortgages for Seniors (Ages 60+): For older homeowners looking to unlock the value of their homes, reverse mortgages offer financial freedom. Ads should focus on retirement planning and cash flow benefits:

“Unlock Your Home’s Equity with a Reverse Mortgage and Enjoy Retirement”

2. Income-Based Targeting for Specific Loan Types

Mortgage products differ depending on a client’s income and financial situation. Using income-based targeting ensures you’re matching your services to the right borrowers:

Moderate-Income Buyers: For middle-income clients, FHA loans or other government-backed mortgages may be more appealing. These products offer lower down payments and more lenient credit requirements. Ad copy could focus on affordability and accessibility:

“Qualify for an FHA Loan with Low Down Payments and Flexible Terms”

High-Income Clients (Jumbo Loans): If your brokerage specializes in jumbo loans or high-value mortgages, you’ll want to target clients in the upper income brackets who are purchasing expensive properties. Your messaging should highlight the benefits of handling large loan amounts and exclusive rates:

“Secure a Jumbo Loan for Luxury Properties with Competitive Rates”

Tailoring your ad copy to fit the financial profiles of potential borrowers ensures that you’re connecting with clients who match the mortgage products you offer.

3. Geographic Targeting for Local and Regional Mortgage Brokers

Location-based targeting is essential for mortgage brokers who operate in specific regions or cities. Whether you serve a metropolitan area, suburban neighborhoods, or rural communities, geographic targeting ensures that only local leads see your ads:

City-Specific Ads: If you operate in major urban centers like Los Angeles or Chicago, your ads should highlight your local expertise and familiarity with the city’s real estate market. For example:

“Find the Best Mortgage Rates in Los Angeles – Local Experts Ready to Help”

Suburban or Regional Targeting: If you’re targeting smaller towns or suburbs, focus on more personal and community-oriented messaging. For example, if you serve suburban families, you might use ad copy like:

“Get Pre-Approved for Your Dream Home in [Suburb Name] – Expert Mortgage Advice Available”

Geographic targeting is especially effective when combined with location extensions, which show your business address to potential clients. This can increase local trust and drive more qualified leads to your brokerage.

4. Homeownership Status: Targeting Renters vs. Homeowners

A key demographic factor for mortgage brokers is whether the individual is a current homeowner or a renter. Your ad messaging should vary significantly depending on which group you’re targeting:

Renters Looking to Buy Their First Home: Renters who are ready to purchase their first home often need extra guidance and reassurance. Ads should focus on helping them transition from renting to owning, with a focus on accessibility and simplicity. For example:

“Tired of Renting? Get Pre-Approved for Your First Home with Low Down Payments”

Current Homeowners Seeking to Refinance: Homeowners who are looking to refinance may be motivated by lower rates, shorter loan terms, or cash-out refinancing options. Your ads should emphasize the benefits of refinancing to improve their financial situation:

“Lower Your Monthly Payments by Refinancing – Get Expert Advice and Save Thousands”

By addressing the specific concerns of both renters and homeowners, you ensure that your ads speak directly to where each client is in their homeownership journey.

Advanced Audience Segmentation for Mortgage Brokers

Beyond the basics of demographics, Google Ads allows mortgage brokers to segment audiences even further using life events and in-market audiences. These tools enable more precise targeting, especially for those who are closer to making a decision.

1. Targeting by Life Events

Major life events such as getting married, having children, or retiring often coincide with the need for mortgage services. Google’s Life Event targeting helps mortgage brokers reach clients who are in the midst of these changes:

Newlyweds: Couples who are recently married may be looking to buy their first home together. Your ads can offer tailored mortgage options with low down payments and guidance through the home-buying process. Example:

“Just Married? Start Your Journey Together with Our First-Time Homebuyer Mortgages”

Growing Families: Families expecting a new child may be seeking a larger home, making them ideal candidates for home loans. Ads for this group might emphasize the ease of upgrading to a bigger home with flexible mortgage options:

“Expecting a Baby? Upgrade to a Bigger Home with Affordable Mortgage Solutions”

2. In-Market Audiences

Google Ads allows you to target users who are actively searching for home loans or related services, known as in-market audiences. These users are likely to be in the decision-making process, making them highly valuable leads for mortgage brokers:

First-Time Homebuyers: For brokers targeting first-time buyers, in-market audience targeting ensures your ads reach individuals who are researching mortgage options and pre-approval processes. Ad messaging should highlight simplicity and affordability, such as:

“Get Pre-Approved for Your First Mortgage – No Hassle, Low Down Payments”

Homeowners Looking to Refinance: Target users who are actively searching for refinancing options, aiming to lower their monthly payments or shorten their loan term. An example ad might be:

“Save on Your Mortgage – Refinance Today and Lock in a Lower Rate”

By leveraging in-market audience targeting, mortgage brokers can connect with potential clients who are showing clear intent to secure a mortgage or refinance their existing home loan.

Using A/B Testing to Improve Ad Performance for Mortgage Brokers

For mortgage brokers, A/B testing is an essential method for refining your ads to ensure you are reaching the right audience with the most effective messaging. By systematically testing different elements of your ads—such as headlines, calls-to-action, and visuals—you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with your target clients, whether they’re first-time homebuyers, refinancers, or investors.

Here’s how mortgage brokers can use A/B testing to enhance ad performance:

1. A/B Testing Ad Copy for Mortgage Clients

Ad copy plays a critical role in whether potential clients click on your ad. By testing different copy variations, mortgage brokers can better understand what messages motivate their specific audience to engage.

CTA (Call-to-Action) Testing

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are often the deciding factor in whether a potential client takes the next step. For mortgage brokers, testing variations of CTAs that align with different client needs is crucial:

“Get a Free Mortgage Rate Quote” vs. “Speak to a Mortgage Expert Today”: First-time homebuyers may prefer a simple, straightforward rate quote, while homeowners looking to refinance may want a more personalized touch, like talking to an expert.

“Start Your Mortgage Pre-Approval Now” vs. “Check Your Eligibility for Low Rates”: Some clients may be more inclined to take action if the process feels easy (pre-approval), while others might respond better to the idea of securing a low rate.

Testing these different CTAs helps you determine which phrasing drives the most clicks and conversions for your specific target audience.

Messaging that Focuses on Specific Benefits

The way you present the benefits of your mortgage services can make a huge difference in performance. By testing variations in messaging, you can identify which benefits matter most to different client types:

First-Time Buyers: Test ad copy that highlights affordability, such as “Own Your First Home with Low Down Payments,” against copy that emphasizes ease and support, like “Get Expert Guidance for Your First Mortgage.”

Refinancing Clients: Compare benefit-focused copy that highlights savings, like “Save Thousands by Refinancing Today,” against copy that emphasizes speed or simplicity, such as “Refinance Your Mortgage in Minutes.”

2. Headline Testing for Mortgage Brokers

The headline is one of the most prominent elements of your ad and often determines whether a user engages with it. For mortgage brokers, it’s essential to test different headline variations to find out what grabs attention.

Urgency vs. Value

Test headlines that create a sense of urgency against those that focus more on value:

Urgency: “Lock in Today’s Low Rates Before They Rise”

Value: “Get the Best Mortgage Rates with Low Monthly Payments”

By comparing the performance of these headlines, you can better understand whether your audience is more motivated by immediate action or by the promise of value.

Loan Type-Specific Headlines

If your brokerage offers a variety of loan products, test headlines tailored to different types of clients:

First-Time Buyers: Test headlines like “Buy Your First Home with Expert Help” against “Low Down Payment Mortgages for First-Time Buyers” to see which resonates more with your target audience.

Refinancing Clients: For those looking to refinance, try headlines like “Lower Your Mortgage Payments with Fast Refinancing” vs. “Save on Your Mortgage with a Cash-Out Refinance.” By testing these, you can identify what appeals most to homeowners looking to refinance.

3. Visuals: Images and Videos

Mortgage clients often respond to ads that visually reflect their home-buying or refinancing journey. A/B testing the visual elements of your ads—such as images and videos—can help you determine what resonates most with your audience.

Testing Different Imagery

For mortgage brokers, the right imagery can make an emotional connection with potential clients. Test visuals like:

Family-focused imagery: Images of families moving into new homes or standing in front of their newly purchased house might resonate more with first-time homebuyers. Test this against:

Professional mortgage broker visuals: Images of a mortgage expert sitting down with a client for a consultation might appeal more to clients looking for refinancing or personalized guidance.

Testing these images can reveal which types of visuals lead to higher click-through rates (CTR) and engagement from different audience segments.

Video vs. Static Images

Videos can provide a more dynamic way to explain mortgage options or showcase success stories, while static images might work better for users who prefer simplicity. Test ads that feature:

Short testimonial videos: A client explaining how your brokerage helped them secure a mortgage could build trust and resonate with new clients.

Static imagery: Test whether a simple, clean image of a home or a client with their new home leads to higher engagement compared to a video.

4. Testing Ad Formats

Mortgage brokers can also test different ad formats to determine which ones perform best for specific audiences:

Text Ads vs. Responsive Search Ads (RSA)

Text Ads: These traditional ads allow you to display fixed headlines and descriptions. Test how well a simple text ad performs in comparison to a more flexible format.

Responsive Search Ads (RSA): With RSAs, Google automatically tests different combinations of headlines and descriptions, showing the ones that perform best. Test different headline and description variations within RSAs to see if this ad format generates more leads for your brokerage.

By comparing performance across different formats, you can identify which ad type generates the highest engagement and conversions for your specific mortgage services.

Building High-Converting Landing Pages for Mortgage Brokers

A landing page is the key point where your Google Ads campaigns turn interest into action. For mortgage brokers, this is especially critical since the decisions being made by potential clients—whether refinancing, applying for a first-time mortgage, or seeking out specific loan types—are significant. To convert visitors into high-quality leads, your landing page needs to be optimized specifically for the mortgage industry.

Mortgage-Specific Call-to-Action (CTA)

A strong call-to-action (CTA) is essential for encouraging potential clients to take that next step in the mortgage process. For mortgage brokers, your CTA should directly address the visitor’s need for mortgage-related services, offering clear next steps and benefits:

“Get Your Free Mortgage Rate Quote Now”

“Find Out How Much Home You Can Afford”

“Apply for Mortgage Pre-Approval Today”

“Check Today’s Mortgage Rates for Your Area”

These CTAs should not only be prominent and action-oriented but also reflect urgency and a tangible benefit. Mortgage seekers are often shopping for the best rate or the fastest approval, so the CTA should focus on what makes your brokerage stand out in terms of speed, rate comparisons, or personalized service.

Optimized for Mortgage Calculations and Loan Application Forms

Mortgage clients are often looking for specific tools and information to guide their decisions. A well-optimized landing page for a mortgage broker should include:

Mortgage rate calculators that allow visitors to quickly estimate monthly payments or compare loan types. This not only adds value but keeps users engaged longer on the page.

Pre-qualification tools or mini-applications that give potential clients a preview of whether they’re eligible for a loan, based on simple inputs like income, credit score, and desired loan amount.

Additionally, make it easy for users to move from the calculator or pre-qualification results directly into the next phase, such as scheduling a consultation or speaking with a loan officer. Streamlining this process minimizes friction and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Industry-Specific Trust Signals

Building trust is even more important for mortgage brokers, as potential clients are making substantial financial commitments. Key trust signals can be integrated into the landing page to reassure visitors:

Local testimonials from previous clients who secured loans with your help, emphasizing their satisfaction with the process, rates, or personalized service.

Partnership logos from well-known lenders or financial institutions you work with, such as FHA, VA, or specific banks.

Secure transaction badges, like SSL certificates, and notices of data protection compliance are essential for any forms asking for sensitive financial information.

Mortgage clients want to know they’re working with an experienced, reliable broker who will guide them through what can be a complicated process. Displaying your expertise and reliability up front is crucial.

Lead Capture Forms Tailored to Mortgage Clients

When mortgage seekers land on your page, they are often looking for specific answers: Can they qualify? What are the rates? How fast can they close a loan? Your lead capture form needs to reflect that sense of urgency while being easy to complete:

Ask for essential details: Name, email, phone number, and the type of loan they’re interested in (e.g., first-time homebuyer, refinancing, VA loan). Mortgage brokers often benefit from asking for a desired loan amount and credit score range to pre-qualify leads.

Pre-fill fields when possible: If the user has come from an ad that already mentions refinancing or a specific loan type, have that option pre-selected in the form. This makes it faster and easier for the visitor to complete the process.

Remember, the goal of the lead form is not just to collect information but to begin a relationship with a potential client. Make the process as straightforward as possible, with a clear benefit once the form is submitted—such as “Get a personalized mortgage consultation within 24 hours.”

Design with Mortgage Clients in Mind

The design of your landing page needs to align with the expectations of potential mortgage clients, offering professionalism and clarity. Specific design choices should include:

Mortgage-specific imagery: Use images of homes, happy families, or brokers assisting clients in a professional setting. Avoid generic or stock images that don’t resonate with the home-buying journey.

Simplified navigation: Mortgage brokers often need to educate their clients, so make sure your landing page is easy to navigate with a clear hierarchy of information. Break down complex mortgage jargon into digestible pieces of information, using simple headings like “How It Works” or “Steps to Your New Home.”

Focus on benefits: Highlight the unique advantages your brokerage offers, such as personalized service, local expertise, faster approvals, or better rates. Mortgage clients need to feel that you’re their guide in navigating a complicated process, so emphasize support and expertise throughout the page.

Tools for Engagement: Mortgage Calculators and Videos

To keep potential clients engaged on the page, offer mortgage-specific tools and content:

Mortgage calculators: These tools can help clients estimate how much they can borrow or what their monthly payments might look like. Including a calculator on the landing page not only adds value but also helps generate leads who are further along in the decision-making process.

Explainer videos: A short video explaining how your mortgage process works or what clients can expect during a consultation can build trust and answer frequently asked questions in an engaging format. Videos also help to humanize your brand and give potential clients a personal connection to your team.

Testing and Continuous Optimization for Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage brokers must continuously refine their landing pages based on performance data. A/B testing different elements ensures that you are always optimizing for the highest conversion rates. Tests can include:

CTA phrasing: Compare “Get Pre-Approved for Your Loan” vs. “Find Your Mortgage Today” to see which generates more clicks.

Form length: Test shorter forms with only basic contact details against more detailed forms asking for financial information to strike the right balance between lead volume and quality.

Headline variations: Test different headlines that highlight your unique selling propositions—such as speed (“Fast Loan Approval with Low Rates”) vs. service (“Get Expert Mortgage Guidance Today”).

Mortgage brokers need to approach landing page optimization with the same level of precision they apply to building a loan package, continuously tweaking it based on user behavior and market demands.

Focusing on Local Google Ads and Google My Business for Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage brokers rely heavily on local clientele, as homebuyers and homeowners seeking refinancing typically prefer working with professionals who understand the regional market. Local Google Ads allow mortgage brokers to zero in on clients in their immediate service areas, offering targeted messaging and boosting lead quality. Integrating Google My Business (GMB) with your Google Ads ensures your business appears in front of potential clients actively searching for mortgage solutions near them.

Why Local Google Ads Are Essential for Mortgage Brokers

For mortgage brokers, success often hinges on being visible in the specific geographic areas where clients are buying homes or refinancing. Local Google Ads allow you to focus on clients who are more likely to convert because they are actively looking for mortgage services in your area. Instead of casting a wide net, local ads help you focus your budget on high-intent leads who are in the right location.

Mortgage clients tend to prefer brokers with local expertise because they understand regional housing trends, state-specific loan programs, and the local real estate market. Whether you’re targeting first-time homebuyers or clients seeking refinancing, local ads allow you to speak directly to the needs of people in your area.

1. Location Targeting for Mortgage Brokers

Location targeting is a critical feature for mortgage brokers using Google Ads to connect with potential clients in specific geographic areas. By focusing on regions where you’re licensed and operate, you avoid wasted clicks from users outside your target market.

City-Specific Ads for Mortgage Services

For brokers operating in specific cities or metro areas, location targeting lets you promote your services directly to users in those locations. For example, if you specialize in helping homebuyers in Houston, you can craft ads that address the unique needs of that city’s housing market:

“Find the Best Mortgage Rates in Houston – Local Experts Ready to Help”

This ensures your ad reaches users in Houston who are more likely to convert because they are actively searching for a mortgage broker in their area.

Radius Targeting Around Your Office

If you have a physical location, radius targeting allows you to set a specific distance around your office to ensure your ads are shown to clients within a 10 or 15-mile radius. This is especially helpful for brokers working in suburban or city regions where clients value proximity for consultations or local market expertise:

“Mortgage Broker Near You – Get Pre-Approved by a Local Expert”

Radius targeting ensures that only users within driving distance see your ads, maximizing relevance and cutting down on wasted ad spend.

2. Using Google My Business to Enhance Local Ads for Mortgage Brokers

Integrating your Google My Business (GMB) profile with local Google Ads is a powerful way to establish trust and visibility as a mortgage broker. Your GMB profile allows potential clients to see key business information like your location, operating hours, and customer reviews directly within your ad, which can significantly improve your chances of generating high-quality local leads.

Displaying Your Office Location in Ads

Linking your GMB profile to your Google Ads ensures your office address is displayed within your ads. This is especially effective for clients searching for a mortgage broker nearby, as they often want to meet in person to discuss loan terms and rates. By showcasing your location in the ad, clients are more likely to click and engage with your services:

“Visit Our Mortgage Office in [City] – Get Personalized Loan Assistance”

Showcasing Reviews and Ratings

Mortgage clients value trust and credibility when choosing a broker. By integrating your GMB profile, you can highlight your Google reviews directly in your ads. Positive reviews from local clients can make a significant difference in convincing potential borrowers to choose your brokerage:

“5-Star Rated Mortgage Broker in [City] – See Why Clients Trust Us”

Reviews act as social proof, especially for first-time homebuyers or homeowners looking to refinance who want to work with a broker they can trust.

3. Crafting Localized Ad Copy for Mortgage Brokers

Tailoring your ad copy to the local market is key for mortgage brokers. Buyers and refinancers often want to know that their broker has experience navigating the complexities of their region’s real estate market. Localized messaging not only helps build trust but also improves click-through rates (CTR) by speaking directly to the concerns of borrowers in your area.

Use Location-Specific Language

Include the names of cities, neighborhoods, or regions you serve in the headline or description of your ad. This reinforces your local expertise and lets potential clients know you’re familiar with the local housing landscape. For example:

“Get the Best Mortgage Rates in [City] – Work with a Local Expert”

“Trusted Mortgage Broker Serving [Neighborhood] – Get Pre-Approved Today”

Highlighting your knowledge of local markets, such as familiarity with local property taxes, loan regulations, and housing trends, reassures clients that you can guide them through the mortgage process effectively.

Promote Regional Loan Options

If you specialize in local or state-specific loan programs, such as USDA loans in rural areas or FHA loans for first-time buyers, highlight those options in your ads. For example, if you offer FHA loans for first-time homebuyers in Austin, you could tailor your ad to reflect that:

“Get Pre-Approved for FHA Loans in Austin – Low Down Payment Options”

This approach targets buyers looking for local loan programs and ensures your ads are directly aligned with the services they need.

4. Using Local Service Ads (LSAs) for Mortgage Brokers

Local Service Ads (LSAs) offer another way for mortgage brokers to connect with potential clients by providing a more prominent listing at the top of Google search results. Unlike traditional Google Ads, LSAs allow mortgage brokers to appear at the very top of the search results, making it easier to capture attention from local clients.

Pay-Per-Lead Model

LSAs operate on a pay-per-lead basis, which is cost-effective for mortgage brokers because you only pay when someone directly contacts you through the ad. This means your budget is only used when a potential client reaches out, ensuring high ROI for local lead generation.

Google Guarantee Badge

When you use LSAs, your business gets a Google Guarantee badge, signaling that you’re a trusted and verified mortgage broker. This badge builds trust with potential clients, especially first-time homebuyers or those seeking refinancing, as they can see that Google has verified your services.

5. Localized Campaigns for Specific Mortgage Products

Certain mortgage products are more popular in specific geographic areas, making localized Google Ads even more effective. Mortgage brokers who specialize in regional loans can use local campaigns to highlight those specific offerings.

USDA Loans for Rural Areas

USDA loans are ideal for buyers in rural regions who are seeking a home loan with no down payment. If your brokerage offers USDA loans, create local campaigns targeting these areas with messaging focused on the benefits of USDA financing:

“No Down Payment USDA Loans for Rural Homebuyers in [Region]”

State-Specific First-Time Homebuyer Programs

Many states offer first-time homebuyer programs with benefits such as down payment assistance or tax credits. Mortgage brokers can create localized campaigns that highlight these benefits for buyers in their region:

“First-Time Homebuyer Loans in [State] – Get Down Payment Assistance Now”

Running these campaigns ensures your ads are highly relevant to the needs of clients in specific regions, boosting both relevance and conversion rates.

Real-Life Success Stories: How Mortgage Brokers Grew with Google Ads

Understanding how others in the mortgage industry have successfully leveraged Google Ads can provide valuable insights for your own campaigns. Below are real-life examples of mortgage brokers who increased their leads, lowered costs, and expanded their businesses using targeted Google Ads strategies.

These stories highlight the potential impact of optimizing ad campaigns and tailoring them specifically to the mortgage market.

1. Loan Market – Boosting Lead Generation Through Targeted Google Ads

Loan Market, a leading mortgage brokerage in Australia and New Zealand, faced stiff competition in the mortgage industry. With many brokers vying for the same clients, they needed a way to stand out and capture quality leads.


Loan Market had trouble reaching first-time homebuyers and clients seeking refinancing options. They were also struggling to increase their visibility in highly competitive markets where online presence is essential.


Loan Market turned to Google Ads to target specific demographics, focusing on location-based searches such as “mortgage brokers in Sydney” and long-tail keywords like “refinance home loan for professionals.” By utilizing remarketing ads, they managed to engage previous visitors who had browsed their website but not yet taken action.

They also created separate ad groups for first-time homebuyers, refinancing, and commercial mortgages, ensuring that their ads were highly relevant to each audience. Additionally, they optimized their landing pages for mobile users, improving the user experience and boosting conversions.


Loan Market saw a 40% increase in qualified leads within six months of launching their Google Ads campaigns. Their cost-per-click (CPC) decreased by 15% after refining their targeting with negative keywords, and they achieved a 30% higher conversion rate through A/B testing their ad copy and landing pages.

2. Aussie Home Loans – Achieving Consistent Growth with Google Ads

Aussie Home Loans, one of Australia’s most recognized mortgage brokerages, needed a more effective way to target potential clients online. Their goal was to reach borrowers seeking refinancing and first-time homebuyers.


Aussie Home Loans wanted to maximize their online ad spend while also growing their business in regional areas. They were particularly focused on reducing their cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and driving more mortgage applications through their online portal.


They launched a Google Ads campaign targeting specific regions, focusing on high-value, low-competition keywords. They also implemented Dynamic Search Ads (DSA), which automatically adjusted the ad copy based on the most relevant content from their website. This allowed them to target new search queries effectively without constantly updating their keyword list.

In addition, they used YouTube video ads as part of a broader strategy to promote their brand and increase visibility, while Google’s local inventory ads helped them attract clients searching for mortgage brokers in specific geographic locations.


Aussie Home Loans achieved a 25% reduction in their CPA, leading to significant savings in their overall marketing budget. Their conversion rates improved by 35%, and they experienced consistent month-on-month growth in mortgage applications. The combination of search, display, and video ads contributed to an overall 20% increase in market share in several regional areas.

3. Mortgage Choice – Driving Mortgage Applications with Google Ads

Mortgage Choice, a prominent mortgage brokerage in Australia, needed to increase their number of mortgage applications without overspending on advertising.


The company faced high levels of competition in the digital space, particularly for expensive keywords like “home loan,” which significantly drove up their cost-per-click (CPC). They needed a way to reduce costs while maintaining visibility and generating quality leads.


Mortgage Choice focused on refining their ad copy and improving their quality score to reduce their CPC. They conducted A/B testing on ad headlines, comparing messages like “Low Mortgage Rates for First-Time Buyers” against “Fast Loan Approval with Mortgage Choice.” By testing and refining their ads, they were able to identify which messages resonated most with their audience.

They also used local targeting to reach potential homebuyers in specific regions, running Google Display Ads to retarget visitors who had not yet submitted an inquiry. Additionally, they used call tracking to measure the effectiveness of their ads in generating phone leads.


Mortgage Choice experienced a 20% decrease in CPC, which allowed them to stretch their budget further. They also increased their number of mortgage applications by 50% in just three months, largely due to the improvements in their ad targeting and copywriting strategies.

4. Redbrick Mortgage Advisors – Increasing Client Acquisition with Google Ads

Redbrick Mortgage Advisors, a UK-based mortgage brokerage, faced challenges in expanding their client base, particularly among first-time homebuyers. They needed a cost-effective solution to generate more qualified leads and stand out in a saturated market.


With the rise of online comparison sites and competing brokers, Redbrick Mortgage Advisors found it increasingly difficult to attract high-quality leads. They also faced higher-than-average cost-per-click (CPC) for popular search terms like “mortgage broker UK” and “best mortgage rates.”


The company implemented a Google Ads strategy focused on long-tail keywords such as “affordable mortgage broker for first-time buyers” and “remortgage advice for homeowners.” They segmented their ad campaigns to target specific groups, including first-time buyers, remortgaging clients, and buy-to-let investors.

They also optimized their ads using callout extensions and sitelink extensions to provide additional information, such as free consultations and quick mortgage rate comparisons, directly within the search results. This tactic helped them stand out and attract clicks from users seeking immediate solutions.


Within six months, Redbrick Mortgage Advisors saw a 35% increase in click-through rates (CTR) and a 40% growth in qualified leads. Their optimized targeting and use of extensions helped reduce their overall CPC by 20%, allowing them to generate more leads without significantly increasing their advertising spend.

5. Trinity Financial – Maximizing Leads and Expanding Reach with Google Ads

Trinity Financial, a London-based mortgage brokerage, sought to boost their presence among high-net-worth individuals looking for bespoke mortgage services. The firm wanted to increase inquiries for luxury home loans, remortgaging services, and buy-to-let mortgages.


Trinity Financial had to target a very specific and niche audience—wealthy clients seeking high-value mortgages. They needed to refine their Google Ads campaigns to focus on these specific demographics while maintaining a cost-efficient strategy.


Trinity Financial utilized Google Ads’ audience targeting features to zero in on high-income earners and individuals who frequently searched for luxury real estate and financial services. They combined this with geo-targeting to focus on affluent areas in London and the surrounding regions.

They also implemented Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) to automatically match their ads to relevant search queries, ensuring their ads stayed visible for a wide range of high-value mortgage-related searches. Additionally, they used remarketing lists to follow up with website visitors who hadn’t converted, offering them personalized mortgage solutions via display ads.


Trinity Financial reported a 50% increase in inquiries for high-value mortgage services within three months of launching the targeted campaigns. Their conversion rate also improved by 25%, with the majority of inquiries coming from the luxury home loan and buy-to-let segments. The use of remarketing helped reduce their bounce rate, leading to more engaged and serious clients.

These case studies demonstrate how mortgage brokers can effectively use Google Ads to grow their business by leveraging targeted keywords, optimizing ad copy, and focusing on specific geographic areas. By employing strategic ad campaigns and continuously refining their approach, these brokers achieved significant improvements in lead generation, conversion rates, and overall business growth.


Running effective Google Ads campaigns as a mortgage broker can dramatically increase your ability to attract qualified leads. By focusing on keyword research, creating targeted ad groups, optimizing your landing pages, and leveraging Google Analytics to track performance, you can maximize your lead generation efforts.

For more guidance, you can refer to Google’s official guide to Google Ads to get in-depth knowledge on campaign management. Additionally, National Mortgage News‘ mortgage broker insights’ provide valuable information on how brokers can optimize client acquisition strategies.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, mortgage brokers can stay ahead in the competitive mortgage industry and successfully grow their businesses through Google Ads. Always remember to continuously optimize your campaigns to meet your specific goals and stay competitive in your local market.

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