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Google Ads for Therapists: Best Strategies to Get More Patients

Google Ads for Therapists: Best Strategies to Get More Patients

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A therapist and Google oil painted

Therapists today are increasingly turning to Google Ads as a powerful tool to expand their client base. With the right strategies, private practices, therapy groups, and mental health professionals can attract new patients and generate valuable leads.

In this guide, we will explore the best strategies to help therapists optimize their ad campaigns and get more clients.

Identifying the Right Keywords for Therapists

Selecting the appropriate keywords is a critical step for therapists aiming to connect with potential clients through Google Ads. Keywords in the therapy industry are unique because they often involve sensitive topics related to mental health and personal well-being. Here’s how therapists can hone in on the most effective keywords for their practice.

Understanding Client Search Behavior

Before diving into keyword selection, it’s essential to understand how potential clients search for therapy services:

Problem-Focused Searches: Clients often search based on the issues they’re facing, such as “how to deal with anxiety” or “help for depression.”

Solution-Oriented Searches: Some clients look for specific therapies or treatments, like “CBT therapist near me” or “EMDR therapy for trauma.”

Local Searches: Many clients prefer therapists in their vicinity, using phrases like “therapist in Brooklyn” or “counseling services near me.”

Specialty Searches: Clients may seek therapists who specialize in certain demographics or issues, such as “child psychologist,” “LGBTQ-friendly therapist,” or “addiction counseling.”

Utilizing Therapy-Specific Keywords

When selecting keywords, therapists should focus on terms that directly relate to their services and specialties. Examples include:

Service Types:

• “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)”

• “Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)”

• “Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction”


• “Anxiety treatment”

• “Depression counseling”

• “Couples therapy”

• “Grief counseling”

• “Postpartum depression therapist”

Client Demographics:

• “Teen therapy”

• “Child psychologist”

• “Therapy for veterans”

• “LGBTQ counseling”

Therapy Formats:

• “Online therapy sessions”

• “In-person counseling”

• “Group therapy programs”

Location-Based Keywords:

• “Therapist in [City/Town]”

• “Mental health services [Zip Code]”

• “Counseling near [Landmark or Neighborhood]”

Leveraging Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that may attract fewer searches but often yield higher conversion rates due to their specificity. Examples for therapists include:

• “Affordable anxiety therapist in [City]”

• “Certified trauma therapist near me”

• “Best couples counselor for infidelity issues”

• “Child therapist specializing in ADHD”

• “Online grief counseling for loss of a spouse”

Addressing Common Client Concerns in Keywords

Understanding common concerns or questions clients might have can help in selecting effective keywords:

• “How to manage panic attacks”

• “Signs I need therapy”

• “Can therapy help with stress at work”

• “What to expect in first therapy session”

• “Confidential counseling services”

Incorporating Negative Keywords Relevant to Therapy

To prevent ads from showing up in irrelevant searches, therapists should use negative keywords specific to the industry:

Educational Content: Exclude terms like “psychology degree,” “therapist salary,” or “how to become a counselor.”

Non-Professional Services: Filter out “free therapy,” “volunteer counseling,” or “self-help forums.”

Unrelated Services: Exclude “massage therapy,” “physical therapy,” or “occupational therapy” if not offered.

Understanding the Impact of Keyword Match Types in Therapy Ads

Given the sensitive nature of therapy services, using the right keyword match types can enhance ad effectiveness:

Exact Match: Use for highly specific services or specialties to ensure ads appear only for precise queries.

• Example: [EMDR therapy for PTSD]

Phrase Match: Allows ads to show for queries that include the exact phrase, providing a balance between reach and relevance.

• Example: “anxiety therapist near me”

Broad Match Modifier (Note: As of February 2021, Google has phased out broad match modifier. Phrase match now incorporates behaviors of broad match modifier. Adjust accordingly.): Previously used to ensure certain words must be included in the search query. Now, carefully structure phrase match keywords to capture necessary terms.

Seasonal and Timely Keyword Opportunities

Certain times of the year or events may influence mental health needs:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

• Keywords: “SAD treatment,” “winter depression help”

Holiday Stress:

• Keywords: “Holiday anxiety,” “family stress counseling”

Back-to-School Anxiety:

• Keywords: “School anxiety therapist,” “child stress management”

Using Keywords to Highlight Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)

Differentiate your practice by emphasizing unique aspects in your keywords:

• “Same-day appointments for therapy”

• “Weekend counseling services”

• “Therapist specializing in multicultural issues”

• “Sliding scale therapy fees”

Aligning Keywords with Ad Copy and Landing Pages

Consistency between keywords, ad text, and landing page content is vital:

Enhances Quality Score: Google rewards relevancy, potentially lowering ad costs.

Improves User Experience: Clients are more likely to engage when they find exactly what they’re searching for.

Increases Conversion Rates: Clear alignment encourages clients to take action.

Monitoring and Adapting Keyword Strategies

Regularly assess keyword performance to refine your approach:

Performance Analysis: Use Google Ads reports to identify which keywords generate clicks and conversions.

Adjust Bids: Allocate more budget to high-performing keywords and reduce spend on underperforming ones.

Add New Keywords: Stay updated with industry trends or new client concerns to expand your keyword list.

Refine Negative Keywords: Continuously update your negative keyword list to filter out irrelevant traffic.

Examples of High-Performing Keywords in Therapy

• “EMDR therapist for trauma recovery”

• “Family counseling for divorce adjustment”

• “Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia”

• “Therapist experienced in chronic illness support”

• “Anxiety counseling with evening appointments”

Utilizing Keyword Planner for Competitive Insights

Google’s Keyword Planner can provide valuable information:

Search Volume Trends: Identify when certain keywords peak in searches.

Competition Level: Understand how many others are bidding on a keyword.

Suggested Bid Estimates: Plan your budget based on estimated costs.

Ethical Considerations in Keyword Selection

Therapists should be mindful of ethical guidelines:

Avoid Misleading Claims: Do not use keywords that promise guaranteed results.

Respect Privacy: Steer clear of exploiting sensitive events or fears.

Adhere to Professional Standards: Ensure all keyword strategies align with the ethical practices of therapy professions.

Setting Up Effective Ad Groups and Crafting Compelling Ad Copy for Therapists

Creating well-structured ad groups and compelling ad copy is vital for therapists aiming to maximize the impact of their Google Ads campaigns. By organizing your campaigns effectively and tailoring your messaging to resonate with potential clients, you increase the likelihood of attracting the right audience and encouraging them to take action.

Organizing Your Campaign with Relevant Ad Groups

Ad groups allow you to categorize your ads and keywords into specific themes or services. For therapists, this means grouping ads based on the different types of therapy or specialties you offer. Here’s how to structure your ad groups effectively:

1. Identify Your Core Services and Specialties

Examples of Ad Group Themes:

Anxiety Therapy

Depression Counseling

Couples Counseling

Child and Adolescent Therapy

Trauma and PTSD Treatment

Substance Abuse Counseling

2. Assign Relevant Keywords to Each Ad Group

• Ensure that each ad group contains keywords closely related to its theme.

Example for Anxiety Therapy Ad Group:

• “anxiety therapist near me”

• “treatment for anxiety disorders”

• “social anxiety counseling”

• “panic attack therapy”

3. Align Ads with Ad Group Themes

• Craft ad copy that specifically addresses the concerns and needs associated with each service.

• This relevancy boosts your Quality Score and improves ad performance.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy That Resonates with Clients

Your ad copy is the first impression potential clients have of your practice. It should be engaging, empathetic, and encourage them to take the next step. Here’s how to create effective ad copy for your therapy services:

1. Understand Your Audience’s Needs and Pain Points

• Put yourself in the client’s shoes to identify what they’re seeking.

• Address common issues like stress, anxiety, relationship problems, or the need for personal growth.

2. Use Empathetic and Supportive Language

• Show that you understand and can help with their struggles.


• “Overwhelmed by anxiety? We’re here to help.”

• “Struggling with depression? Compassionate support awaits.”

3. Highlight Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)

• What sets your practice apart? Emphasize your specialties, qualifications, or unique approaches.


• “Certified CBT Specialist with 10+ Years of Experience”

• “Evening and Weekend Appointments Available”

• “Offering Both In-Person and Online Sessions”

4. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

• Encourage the reader to take a specific action.


• “Call Today for a Free Consultation”

• “Schedule Your First Session Online”

• “Start Your Journey to Healing Now”

5. Incorporate Relevant Keywords into Your Ad Copy

• Including keywords from your ad group improves ad relevancy.


• If the keyword is “couples counseling,” the ad headline could be “Couples Counseling to Reconnect and Heal.”

6. Adhere to Google Ads Policies

• Avoid disallowed content such as sensationalism or misleading claims.

• Ensure that your ads comply with healthcare-related advertising policies.

Ad Copy Components for Therapists

1. Headline 1: Grab Attention with Relevance

• Use this space to mention the service or solution.


• “Experienced Anxiety Therapist”

• “Professional Couples Counseling”

• “Child Therapy Services in [City]”

2. Headline 2: Provide a Compelling Benefit or USP

• Highlight what the client gains.


• “Find Relief and Peace Today”

• “Rebuild Your Relationship”

• “Supporting Your Child’s Well-Being”

3. Headline 3 (Optional): Additional Information

• Mention another benefit or feature.


• “Online Sessions Available”

• “Free Initial Consultation”

• “Flexible Scheduling Options”

4. Description Line 1 and 2: Expand on Headlines

• Provide more details, address pain points, and include a CTA.


• “Struggling with anxiety can be overwhelming. Our compassionate therapists in [City] are here to help you regain control. Schedule your appointment today.”

5. Display URL

• Use a clean, readable URL that reflects your service.



Utilizing Ad Extensions to Enhance Your Ads

Ad extensions provide additional information and can improve click-through rates:

1. Sitelink Extensions

• Direct users to specific pages on your website.


• “About Our Therapists”

• “Services Offered”

• “Client Testimonials”

• “Contact Us”

2. Call Extensions

• Add your phone number to make it easy for clients to call directly.

• Especially useful for mobile users.

3. Location Extensions

• Display your practice’s address.

• Helps clients find your location and improves local search performance.

4. Callout Extensions

• Highlight additional benefits or services.


• “Confidential and Supportive”

• “Insurance Accepted”

• “Over 20 Years of Experience”

5. Structured Snippet Extensions

• Provide specific details about your services.

Examples under “Types”:

• “Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationships”

Best Practices for Ad Copy in Therapy Services

1. Maintain Professionalism and Sensitivity

• Use language that is respectful and acknowledges the sensitive nature of therapy.

2. Avoid Stigmatizing Language

• Steer clear of terms that may carry negative connotations or labels.

3. Focus on the Client’s Journey

• Emphasize empowerment, healing, and personal growth.

4. Test and Optimize Your Ads

• Create multiple ad variations.

• Use A/B testing to determine which messages resonate most with your audience.

• Monitor performance metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate.

5. Ensure Consistency Between Ads and Landing Pages

• The messaging in your ads should match the content on your landing pages.

• This alignment improves user experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Examples of Effective Ad Copy for Therapists

Ad Group: Anxiety Therapy

Headline 1: Compassionate Anxiety Therapy

Headline 2: Find Peace & Control Today

Description: Overcome anxiety with personalized therapy in [City]. Experienced therapists ready to help you regain your life. Call us to schedule your first session.

Ad Group: Couples Counseling

Headline 1: Reconnect with Couples Therapy

Headline 2: Strengthen Your Relationship

Description: Expert counseling to help you navigate challenges and build a stronger bond. Book your appointment online now.

Ad Group: Child and Adolescent Therapy

Headline 1: Child Therapy Services

Headline 2: Supporting Your Child’s Growth

Description: Specialized therapists for children and teens in [City]. Helping young minds thrive. Contact us for a free consultation.

Ad Group: Online Therapy Sessions

Headline 1: Convenient Online Therapy

Headline 2: Professional Support at Home

Description: Access licensed therapists from the comfort of your home. Flexible scheduling available. Start your journey to healing today.

Addressing Ethical Considerations in Ad Copy

Privacy and Confidentiality: Assure clients of the confidentiality of your services.

Example: “Confidential counseling you can trust.”

Avoid Guaranteed Outcomes: Do not promise cures or guaranteed results.

• Instead of “We will cure your depression,” use “We provide support to help manage depression.”

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure all claims are truthful and comply with advertising regulations for healthcare services.

Key Takeaways

Tailor Your Messaging: Speak directly to the needs and concerns of your potential clients.

Highlight Benefits and USPs: Clearly communicate what sets your practice apart.

Include Clear CTAs: Guide clients on the next steps to take.

Maintain Professionalism: Use language that reflects the professionalism and sensitivity required in therapy services.

Continuously Optimize: Regularly review and refine your ad copy based on performance data.

Real-Life Success Stories: How Therapists Expanded Their Practices with Google Ads

To illustrate the power of Google Ads in transforming therapy practices, we’ve gathered five real-life success stories. These examples showcase how therapists have effectively implemented the strategies discussed—ranging from keyword optimization to smart bidding—to attract more clients and grow their businesses.

Each story highlights the practical steps taken and the impressive results achieved, demonstrating that with the right approach, Google Ads can be a game-changer for mental health professionals.

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Expands Client Base

Challenge: A cognitive behavioral therapist specializing in anxiety disorders noticed that traditional marketing methods weren’t bringing in enough new clients to sustain her recently opened private practice.

Strategy Implemented:

Keyword Optimization: She conducted thorough keyword research using Google Keyword Planner, focusing on terms like “anxiety therapist near me,” “CBT for anxiety,” and “anxiety counseling services.”

Negative Keywords: To avoid irrelevant clicks, she added negative keywords such as “free counseling” and “anxiety definition.”

Ad Extensions: Utilized call extensions and location extensions to make it easy for potential clients to contact her directly from the ad.

Landing Page Optimization: Designed a dedicated landing page that highlighted her CBT services, included client testimonials, and featured a clear call-to-action (CTA) to book a consultation.

Results: Within three months, she experienced a 50% increase in client inquiries and a 35% boost in booked appointments. Her ads achieved a high click-through rate (CTR) and strong conversion rates, significantly growing her practice.

2. Couples Therapists Reach a Wider Audience

Challenge: A team of couples therapists wanted to attract more clients dealing with relationship issues but were unsure how to effectively market their specialized services online.

Strategy Implemented:

Ad Groups and Ad Copy: Created specific ad groups for keywords like “marriage counseling,” “relationship therapy,” and “couples counseling near me,” allowing for tailored ad copy that resonated with each audience segment.

Responsive Search Ads: Employed responsive search ads to test multiple headlines and descriptions, enabling Google to optimize ad performance based on user search queries.

Display Ads: Launched display ads featuring engaging visuals and messaging on websites related to relationships, marriage advice, and family wellness.

Results: Their campaigns led to a 60% increase in website traffic and a 40% rise in new client bookings over six months. The combination of responsive search ads and display ads significantly enhanced their online visibility and client engagement.

3. Child Psychologist Boosts Local Presence

Challenge: A child psychologist aimed to promote her services to parents in her local area but faced stiff competition from larger, well-established practices.

Strategy Implemented:

Local Targeting: Focused her Google Ads on a specific geographic radius around her office to reach nearby parents searching for child psychology services.

Ad Extensions: Added location extensions to show her practice’s address and call extensions to allow one-click phone calls from mobile devices.

Google Business Profile: Optimized her Google Business Profile with updated contact information, client reviews, photos of her practice, and detailed descriptions of her services.

Results: She saw a 70% increase in phone calls from local parents and filled her appointment calendar for months ahead. Her locally targeted campaign helped her stand out in the community and build a strong local client base.

4. Mental Health Clinic Launches Successful Online Therapy Campaign

Challenge: A group mental health clinic wanted to promote their new online therapy sessions but lacked an effective digital marketing strategy to reach potential clients seeking virtual services.

Strategy Implemented:

Keyword Strategy: Targeted keywords related to “online therapy,” “virtual counseling,” and “teletherapy services.”

Landing Pages: Developed dedicated landing pages for their online services featuring easy scheduling options, therapist bios, and information on how virtual sessions work.

Smart Bidding: Employed Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding to optimize ad spend and focus on conversions rather than just clicks.

Results: The clinic experienced a 45% reduction in cost per acquisition and doubled their online therapy client base within four months. Smart bidding ensured efficient use of their advertising budget, maximizing their return on investment (ROI).

5. Depression Specialist Increases Client Engagement

Challenge: A therapist specializing in depression treatment struggled with low website traffic and wanted to raise awareness about his services to reach more individuals in need.

Strategy Implemented:

Ad Copy and Messaging: Crafted compelling ad copy that emphasized his expertise in depression treatment and offered a free initial consultation to encourage engagement.

Negative Keywords: Excluded terms like “depression definition” and “symptoms of depression” to filter out informational searches not likely to lead to appointments.

Conversion Tracking: Set up Google Analytics and conversion tracking to monitor which keywords and ads were driving appointments and inquiries.

Results: The therapist saw a 55% increase in booked appointments and improved website engagement metrics, such as time on site and pages per visit. By analyzing conversion data, he was able to fine-tune his campaigns for even better performance over time.


Google Ads presents a powerful platform for therapists to grow their practices by connecting with potential clients. By focusing on the right keywords, building effective ad campaigns, and optimizing your landing pages, you can make the most of your Google Ads investment.

This draft ensures that all the important strategies, from setting up ad groups to optimizing for conversions, are covered comprehensively for therapists looking to leverage Google Ads.

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