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Google Ads vs LinkedIn Ads: Which Drives Sales Best?

Google Ads vs LinkedIn Ads: Which Drives Sales Best?

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Google Ads vs Linkedin Ads oil painted

In the digital marketing arena, two giants stand out when it comes to driving sales: Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads. But the burning question is, which platform will supercharge your sales efforts?

Whether you’re a local business with physical stores aiming to attract nearby shoppers or an online retailer looking to boost online sales, choosing the right platform is crucial. Let’s dive into the showdown between Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads to see which one can drive sales best for your business.

The Contenders: An Overview

Google Ads: The Powerhouse of Intent

Imagine reaching potential customers precisely when they’re searching for products you offer. That’s the magic of Google Ads. With billions of daily searches on Google Search, this platform taps into high-intent audiences ready to make purchase decisions.

Local Inventory Ads (LIAs): Showcase your local products and store information to nearby shoppers. When someone searches for a product you have in stock, your ad pops up showing product availability at your local storefront.

Google Shopping Ads: Highlight your products directly in search results with images, prices, and reviews.

Google Maps Integration: Capture foot traffic by appearing in local search results and on Google Maps, guiding customers straight to your physical store locations.

LinkedIn Ads: The B2B Lead Magnet

On the flip side, LinkedIn Ads is the go-to platform for businesses targeting professionals and decision-makers. It’s like networking at a massive global conference without leaving your chair.

Sponsored Content: Share engaging posts in the feeds of professionals who matter to your business.

Sponsored Messaging: Send personalized messages directly to potential leads’ inboxes.

Advanced Targeting: Zero in on prospects by job title, industry, company size, and more.

Round 1: Audience Reach and Targeting

Google Ads: Casting a Wide Net

Massive User Base: With over 5.6 billion searches per day, Google gives you the ability to connect with a vast and diverse audience. Whether you’re targeting local customers, global markets, or niche demographics, the sheer reach of Google ensures that your ads have the potential to be seen by almost anyone actively searching for relevant products or services.

Intent-Based Targeting: One of the most powerful aspects of Google Ads is its intent-driven targeting. You’re reaching users when they’re actively searching for something specific. Whether it’s “best running shoes near me” or “buy electric toothbrush online,” these users are already in a buying mindset. With Google’s advanced keyword targeting, you can place your ads in front of users ready to make a purchase, making it one of the most efficient ways to convert searchers into buyers.

Local Targeting for Immediate Results: Google Ads offers exceptional local targeting features with Local Inventory Ads (LIAs), allowing you to connect with nearby shoppers searching for products in physical stores. These ads show your local product inventory in real-time, offering information like product availability and store location. This feature is particularly powerful for brick-and-mortar stores, enabling you to attract local shoppers who are ready to visit your store and make an in-person purchase. You can even target users based on their proximity to your store, giving you granular control over who sees your ads.

LinkedIn Ads: Precision Targeting at Its Best

Professional Network: While Google offers broad reach, LinkedIn Ads is where precision comes into play. LinkedIn’s user base of over 774 million professionals means you’re reaching an audience that is career-focused and often in decision-making positions. Unlike Google, which caters to the general public, LinkedIn allows you to narrow your targeting to specific industries, job titles, and even skill sets, making it a goldmine for B2B marketers and professional services.

Highly Specific Targeting: LinkedIn Ads excels at zeroing in on the exact demographic and professional criteria you need. For instance, you can target CEOs, IT managers, or marketing directors in particular industries or company sizes. If you know the specific roles that influence purchasing decisions in your industry, LinkedIn gives you the tools to target them directly. This level of specificity is unmatched, ensuring that your ads are only shown to the people most likely to convert.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): One of LinkedIn’s standout features is its ability to implement account-based marketing. You can target specific companies by name, meaning if you have a list of high-value companies you want to engage, LinkedIn lets you tailor ads to employees within those organizations. This is a game-changer for businesses that rely on large contracts or high-ticket sales, giving you access to the key decision-makers you need to influence.

The Verdict: Audience Reach vs. Targeting Precision

For Broad Consumer Reach: If your goal is to reach a large, varied audience—whether local or global—Google Ads is your best choice. It’s ideal for businesses looking to capture a wide range of consumers, especially those searching for products or services with buying intent.

For Targeting Niche Professional Audiences: If your focus is on reaching specific professionals, decision-makers, or companies, LinkedIn Ads offers the precision targeting that’s hard to beat. Its ability to hone in on highly qualified leads makes it the top choice for B2B and professional services looking to connect with key industry players.

Round 2: Ad Formats and Engagement

Google Ads: A Multifaceted Approach for Broad Consumer Reach

Search Ads: Capturing High-Intent Consumers at the Right Moment

Google’s Search Ads are engineered to capture users right when they are actively searching for products or services like yours. Showing up at the top of search results, these ads capitalize on high-intent keywords, ensuring that you’re visible to potential customers already primed to make a purchase.

Display Ads: Expanding Brand Awareness Across 2 Million+ Sites

Display Ads allow you to reach potential customers as they browse the web, visit their favorite websites, or check their apps. With a network spanning over 2 million websites and apps, you can engage users with visually appealing ads that showcase your brand even when they’re not actively searching. Perfect for driving brand awareness and retargeting.

Shopping Ads: Turning Search Results into Your Storefront

If you’re in e-commerce, Google Shopping Ads give users a snapshot of your product offerings directly within the search results. Featuring product images, pricing, and availability, Shopping Ads are like a storefront embedded in search results, making it easier for consumers to compare products and make decisions quickly.

Local Inventory Ads: Driving Foot Traffic by Highlighting In-Store Stock

Local Inventory Ads (LIAs) are a game-changer for businesses with physical stores. These ads showcase your in-store inventory to nearby shoppers looking for specific products. LIAs highlight product availability, pricing, and store location, leading customers directly from the search page to your store.

LinkedIn Ads: Precision Tools for Professional Engagement

Sponsored Content: Building Authority with Industry-Targeted Posts

Sponsored Content is LinkedIn’s answer to content-driven marketing. These ads allow you to promote thought leadership articles, how-to videos, and industry insights directly in your audience’s newsfeed. It’s not just about selling; it’s about establishing your brand as a credible voice in your industry, engaging professionals with content that educates and informs.

Sponsored Messaging: Delivering Personalized Messages Straight to Inboxes

With Sponsored Messaging, you can send direct, highly personalized messages to your target audience’s LinkedIn inbox. Ideal for promoting exclusive content, event invitations, or special offers, Sponsored Messaging cuts through the noise with a personal touch, giving you a direct line to decision-makers.

Dynamic Ads: Creating a Personalized Ad Experience Using User Data

Dynamic Ads leverage LinkedIn’s rich user data to create personalized ad experiences. These ads automatically adjust their content based on the viewer’s profile, displaying tailored ads that include the user’s job title, company name, or even profile picture. This level of personalization captures attention and encourages engagement, especially in industries where relationships matter.

Lead Gen Forms: Capturing High-Quality Leads Without Friction

Lead Gen Forms are built to simplify the lead capture process. These ads auto-fill with a user’s LinkedIn profile data, allowing them to submit their information with just a few clicks. This frictionless experience results in higher conversion rates, making it perfect for businesses looking to collect email addresses, schedule demos, or offer free content downloads.

Winner: The Right Format for the Right Audience

Google Ads: With its vast array of ad formats, Google excels at offering a multi-faceted approach to engage consumers at different stages of the buying journey. From Search Ads that capture high-intent traffic to Local Inventory Ads that drive foot traffic to your store, Google is unmatched for businesses looking to reach a broad audience, both online and offline.

LinkedIn Ads: If you’re looking to engage with professionals and decision-makers, LinkedIn Ads provides tailored, precision-focused formats that speak directly to your target market. Whether it’s establishing thought leadership through Sponsored Content or capturing valuable leads with Lead Gen Forms, LinkedIn is the ultimate choice for B2B marketers aiming to build lasting relationships and drive high-value conversions.

Round 3: Driving Sales and ROI

Google Ads: Immediate Impact with Ready-to-Buy Customers

High Conversion Rates: Targeting Customers Ready to Act

Google Ads is a powerhouse when it comes to driving immediate conversions. By capturing users who are already searching for your products or services, especially those looking for specific solutions like in-store pickup or local product availability, Google Ads can deliver high conversion rates. Users are often just a click away from making a purchase, and with Local Inventory Ads, you’re targeting local shoppers who are ready to visit your store and buy. This makes Google Ads especially effective for brick-and-mortar stores looking to convert online searches into in-store sales.

Measurable Results: Real-Time Data to Track Performance

One of the biggest advantages of Google Ads is the ability to track and measure every aspect of your campaign in real time. From click-through rates (CTR) to conversion tracking through Google Analytics, businesses can gain insights into what’s working and what needs to be adjusted.

You can monitor everything from impressions to in-store visits (if you’re using Local Inventory Ads) and use that data to refine your approach. For example, you can see which keywords drive the most conversions and adjust your bids accordingly.

Cost-Effective Advertising: Optimizing for Maximum ROI

While Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, it can be incredibly cost-effective when optimized properly. By carefully selecting high-intent keywords, using negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic, and continuously testing ad copy and landing pages, you can minimize wasted ad spend and maximize your return on investment (ROI). Plus, Google’s automated tools, like Smart Bidding, help you achieve the best possible results for your budget. For businesses aiming for quick, scalable growth, Google Ads provides an immediate route to high conversion rates and measurable ROI.

LinkedIn Ads: Long-Term Gains with High-Value Leads

Quality Leads: Targeting Decision-Makers for Bigger Sales

LinkedIn Ads shines when it comes to generating quality leads—the kind that often result in high-value sales. If you’re selling B2B products or services, the ability to target specific decision-makers by job title, company size, and industry means that you’re not just generating any leads; you’re generating the leads that matter. For instance, if you’re offering software solutions to HR teams, you can ensure that your ads are reaching HR directors or senior managers, resulting in a higher likelihood of closing deals that represent significant revenue.

Relationship Building: Essential for B2B Success

Unlike Google Ads, where the goal is often immediate conversions, LinkedIn Ads focuses on building long-term relationships. The B2B sales cycle is typically longer, and it requires multiple touchpoints to nurture leads before they’re ready to commit. LinkedIn provides a perfect platform for nurturing those leads over time.

Whether through Sponsored Content that positions your company as a thought leader or Sponsored Messaging that invites prospects to webinars and exclusive events, LinkedIn helps businesses stay top of mind until prospects are ready to take the next step. For high-ticket items or complex services, this approach can lead to more substantial and valuable conversions.

Higher Cost Per Click: Justified by High-Value Conversions

Yes, LinkedIn Ads can be more expensive, with a higher cost per click (CPC) compared to Google Ads. But the value of the conversions often makes it worth the investment.

In industries where customer lifetime value (CLV) is high—such as software, consulting, or enterprise solutions—a single lead generated on LinkedIn can turn into a deal worth thousands or even millions. For example, if you’re targeting companies with account-based marketing (ABM), the cost of LinkedIn Ads is justified by the value of closing a contract with a major client.

The Verdict: Short-Term Wins vs. Long-Term Growth

Google Ads for Quick Sales and In-Store Traffic:

If your goal is to generate immediate sales, drive in-store visits, and reach customers ready to make a purchase, Google Ads is your go-to platform. Its ability to target high-intent consumers, provide detailed tracking, and offer cost-effective optimization options makes it ideal for businesses looking to scale fast and convert leads into sales without delay.

LinkedIn Ads for High-Value Leads and B2B Relationships:

For businesses focused on B2B marketing, LinkedIn Ads is unparalleled in its ability to generate high-quality leads and build long-term relationships with decision-makers. The higher CPC may seem like a downside, but for companies that rely on long sales cycles and large contracts, LinkedIn’s targeting precision and ability to nurture prospects over time lead to greater return on investment in the long run.

The Knockout Punch: Combining Both Platforms for Maximum Sales Impact

Why limit yourself to just one platform when you can leverage the unique strengths of Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads together? By integrating both, you create a marketing powerhouse that not only drives immediate conversions but also builds long-term relationships. Here’s how combining these platforms can be a game-changer for your sales strategy:

1. Retargeting Magic: Engaging Users at Every Touchpoint

One of the biggest advantages of using Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads in tandem is the ability to implement a robust cross-platform retargeting strategy. Here’s how it works:

Google Search Data → LinkedIn Retargeting: Let’s say a user searches for your product on Google, visits your website but doesn’t make a purchase. You can then retarget that user on LinkedIn with highly personalized ads that speak to their specific needs. For example, if they searched for “cloud accounting software” and didn’t convert, LinkedIn can display tailored ads highlighting a free trial or a webinar to demonstrate your product’s features.

LinkedIn Engagement → Google Retargeting: On the flip side, if a user engages with your Sponsored Content on LinkedIn but hasn’t yet converted, you can retarget them on Google with search ads or display ads, offering more immediate, purchase-driven messaging. This way, you stay top-of-mind when they’re searching again or browsing their favorite websites.

This cross-platform retargeting ensures you’re nurturing leads across both professional and consumer spaces, making it more likely that users will engage and convert when they’re ready.

2. Consistent Messaging: Building a Unified Brand Experience

Consistency is key to building trust with your audience, especially when they encounter your brand across multiple touchpoints. By integrating Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads, you can craft a cohesive, unified message that resonates with your audience no matter where they are in their journey:

Awareness on LinkedIn, Action on Google: For example, you can start with LinkedIn Sponsored Content to introduce your brand and offer educational content, like an industry report or a case study. This establishes you as a thought leader. Then, when the user later searches for related services on Google, your Search Ads can reinforce that message with clear calls to action like “Get Started” or “Buy Now.”

Tailored Messaging for Different Stages: While Google Ads may focus on driving immediate action (think product pages or in-store pickups), LinkedIn Ads can focus on consideration and nurturing (offering eBooks, webinars, or exclusive trials). This dual approach keeps your brand top of mind while addressing different buyer stages—from discovery to decision.

By ensuring that the messaging and tone across both platforms align, you create a seamless experience that builds credibility and fosters customer loyalty.

3. Expand Reach: Target Customers Throughout the Buyer Journey

One of the core benefits of combining Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads is their ability to target different segments of your audience at various stages of the buyer’s journey. Here’s how you can leverage both platforms to strategically guide users from awareness to conversion:

Google Ads for Immediate Intent: Use Google Search Ads to capture potential customers who are actively looking for solutions. For example, when a user searches for “best project management software,” your ad can appear at the top, catering to users who are ready to make an immediate decision. These users are in the purchase stage, so your ad can be focused on direct calls to action like “Try for Free” or “Get a Quote.”

LinkedIn Ads for Consideration and Relationship Building: Meanwhile, LinkedIn Ads allow you to build relationships with users who are in the awareness or consideration stages. You can share thought leadership content, industry reports, or invite them to webinars that educate them about your product’s benefits. These ads help nurture leads over time, ensuring that when they’re ready to purchase, your brand is top of mind.

This dual-platform strategy not only allows you to capture leads at different stages but also gives you the flexibility to adjust messaging based on the user’s current mindset.

Pro Tip: Align Campaigns for Seamless Customer Journeys

To get the most out of your combined Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads strategy, it’s essential to align your campaigns so that users are guided seamlessly from one platform to the next. Here’s how:

Unified Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics and LinkedIn Insights to track users across both platforms. By understanding their behaviors on both Google and LinkedIn, you can optimize retargeting efforts, ensuring that your ads are relevant and timely.

Coordinated Campaign Timing: Launch complementary campaigns on both platforms at the same time. For example, if you’re promoting a new product or service, you can use Google Search Ads to capture immediate traffic while using LinkedIn Sponsored Content to educate your audience and provide in-depth resources.

Test and Learn: Continuously A/B test your messaging across both platforms. For example, you might find that Google Ads work best with direct, action-oriented language, while LinkedIn Ads perform better with informative, softer calls to action. By fine-tuning your campaigns based on performance, you ensure that your investment on both platforms delivers maximum ROI.

Why This Combination Works:

By leveraging the unique strengths of Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads, you create a well-rounded marketing strategy that addresses your audience at every stage of their buying journey. Google Ads helps you capture ready-to-buy customers, while LinkedIn Ads allows you to nurture long-term relationships with high-value prospects.

Making the Decision: What’s Right for You?

Choosing between Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads depends entirely on your unique business needs. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you make the right choice:

1. Who is My Target Audience?

Consumers or Local Shoppers: If your business is focused on reaching consumers, especially those looking for local products or in-store services, Google Ads is your go-to platform. Whether you run a retail shop, restaurant, or service business, Google’s ability to target users by their location and search intent makes it perfect for capturing local shoppers who are actively looking for in-store availability or local services. Additionally, tools like Local Inventory Ads ensure that you’re meeting nearby customers at the moment they’re searching.

Professionals and B2B Clients: On the other hand, if you’re targeting professionals or running a B2B business, LinkedIn Ads will be far more effective. LinkedIn’s precision targeting by job title, industry, company size, and even specific companies means you can reach decision-makers with laser accuracy. For instance, if you’re selling software solutions for HR departments, LinkedIn allows you to directly target HR directors and executives—those with purchasing power. This is invaluable for longer sales cycles and high-ticket transactions.

2. What’s My Budget?

Cost-Effective Advertising with Google: If you’re working with a limited budget, Google Ads can be highly cost-effective—especially with careful keyword selection and bidding strategies. With tools like Smart Bidding and negative keyword lists, you can minimize wasted ad spend and focus on driving conversions. For businesses looking to optimize ad spend and get immediate sales, Google’s flexibility allows for lower cost-per-click (CPC), particularly in local or niche markets.

Investing in LinkedIn’s High-Value Leads: While LinkedIn Ads tends to have a higher CPC, the potential return on investment (ROI) can justify the cost, especially if you’re selling to high-value clients. The leads generated from LinkedIn are often more qualified, as the platform allows you to target professionals who are decision-makers. For businesses where customer lifetime value (CLV) is high—such as B2B services, consulting, or enterprise software—the investment in LinkedIn is worth it for the long-term sales and relationships that can be built. LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms make it easy to capture leads directly on the platform, reducing friction and delivering higher-quality prospects.

3. What Are My Sales Goals?

Quick Wins and In-Store Sales with Google Ads: If your primary goal is to drive quick conversions, whether online or in-store, Google Ads is the clear choice. Search Ads can target users when they’re actively looking for products, services, or local businesses, making it ideal for driving immediate purchases. For brick-and-mortar stores, Google Shopping Ads and Local Inventory Ads offer a direct path to converting search interest into foot traffic. If you need fast results and increased in-store traffic, Google Ads should be your platform of choice.

Relationship Building and High-Ticket Sales with LinkedIn: If your sales strategy involves building long-term relationships or securing high-ticket sales, LinkedIn Ads will be more effective. B2B sales often require nurturing over time, and LinkedIn allows you to engage with potential clients through Sponsored Content, webinars, or even direct messaging via Sponsored InMail. These types of ads are invaluable for complex products and services that need multiple touchpoints before a decision is made. If you’re looking to engage in relationship-building and close bigger deals, LinkedIn Ads provides the tools for long-term success.

Success Stories: How Businesses Boost Sales with Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads

Looking for proof that combining Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads delivers real impact? These success stories show how top brands are driving sales, building relationships, and achieving incredible growth by tapping into the unique strengths of both platforms.

1. DocuSign: Boosting B2B Leads by Combining Google Search Ads with LinkedIn Sponsored InMail


DocuSign, a leading electronic signature solution provider, aimed to accelerate B2B lead generation by targeting decision-makers across various industries. By strategically combining Google Search Ads to capture high-intent prospects and LinkedIn Sponsored InMail to nurture these leads, they maximized their marketing impact.


Google Ads:

Search Ads: Targeted high-intent keywords like “electronic signature solutions” to attract prospects actively searching for their services.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): Created remarketing lists of site visitors to adjust bids and tailor ads for returning users.

LinkedIn Ads:

Sponsored InMail: Sent personalized messages to prospects who clicked on Google Ads but didn’t convert, utilizing LinkedIn’s professional targeting to reach them directly.

Matched Audiences: Uploaded email lists of leads generated from Google Ads to retarget them on LinkedIn for further engagement.

Synergy Between Platforms:

Sequential Engagement: Captured initial interest through Google Search Ads and followed up with personalized LinkedIn Sponsored InMail to nurture leads down the sales funnel.

Cross-Platform Remarketing: Used data from Google Ads to retarget prospects on LinkedIn, reinforcing brand messaging across channels.

Consistent Messaging: Maintained uniform value propositions and branding across both platforms to build trust and recognition.


Lead Increase: Achieved a 50% increase in qualified leads compared to using Google Ads alone.

Conversion Boost: Improved conversion rates by 35% when prospects were engaged on both platforms.

Cost Efficiency: Reduced overall cost per acquisition by 20% through optimized cross-platform spending.


By combining Google Search Ads to capture immediate interest with LinkedIn Sponsored InMail for personalized follow-up, DocuSign effectively nurtured prospects through the sales funnel, demonstrating the power of integrating Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads.

2. Snowflake Computing: Driving Cloud Adoption Using Google Display Ads and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Together


Snowflake, a cloud data warehousing company, aimed to promote its services to data professionals and enterprise decision-makers. By combining Google Display Ads to increase brand awareness and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to capture high-quality leads, they achieved significant growth.


Google Ads:

Display Ads: Ran visually engaging ads on tech websites frequented by data professionals to build brand awareness.

Remarketing: Retargeted site visitors with tailored messages to encourage return visits and deeper engagement.

LinkedIn Ads:

Sponsored Content with Lead Gen Forms: Shared industry insights and utilized LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms to seamlessly capture lead information.

Job Title Targeting: Focused on data engineers, CIOs, and other key decision-makers in the tech industry.

Synergy Between Platforms:

Awareness to Conversion: Used Google Display Ads to generate initial awareness and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to capture interested prospects for follow-up.

Data-Driven Retargeting: Leveraged audience data from Google Ads to refine LinkedIn targeting, ensuring ads reached the most relevant professionals.

Enhanced Lead Quality: Ensured that prospects exposed to display ads were nurtured with relevant, in-depth content on LinkedIn.


Lead Generation: Increased high-quality leads by 60%.

Conversion Rates: Improved conversion rates by 40% when prospects engaged with both ad platforms.

Reduced CPL: Decreased cost per lead by 25% due to efficient cross-platform targeting.


By integrating Google Display Ads for broad awareness and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms for targeted lead capture, Snowflake effectively moved prospects from interest to action.

3. Adobe Creative Cloud: Engaging Creatives by Combining YouTube Video Ads with LinkedIn Sponsored Content


Adobe sought to promote its Creative Cloud suite to creative professionals and enterprise teams. By combining engaging YouTube Video Ads via Google Ads with professional insights through LinkedIn Sponsored Content, they enhanced user engagement and drove subscriptions.


Google Ads:

YouTube Video Ads: Created inspirational and tutorial videos showcasing Creative Cloud’s capabilities to captivate the creative audience.

Remarketing: Targeted viewers who watched their YouTube ads with follow-up display ads to keep Adobe top-of-mind.

LinkedIn Ads:

Sponsored Content: Shared articles on creative industry trends and case studies of businesses successfully using Creative Cloud.

Dynamic Ads: Utilized personalized ads targeting professionals in design, marketing, and media roles.

Synergy Between Platforms:

Visual Engagement: Captured attention with YouTube Video Ads and reinforced messaging with professional content on LinkedIn Sponsored Content.

Cross-Platform Retargeting: Retargeted YouTube viewers on LinkedIn with relevant professional development content and special offers.

Consistent Narrative: Maintained a cohesive message to guide prospects from inspiration (YouTube) to consideration and decision (LinkedIn).


Increased Subscriptions: Boosted Creative Cloud subscriptions by 30%.

Higher Engagement: Users exposed to both YouTube and LinkedIn ads had a 50% higher engagement rate.

Improved ROI: Achieved a higher return on ad spend through the integrated cross-platform campaign.


Adobe effectively engaged creative professionals by combining the visual appeal of YouTube Video Ads with the professional context of LinkedIn Sponsored Content, demonstrating the value of cross-platform integration.

4. Cisco Systems: Reaching IT Leaders by Merging Google Search Ads with LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing


Cisco aimed to promote its networking solutions to IT decision-makers. By merging Google Search Ads to capture active searches with LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to target specific companies, they enhanced their reach and influence among key prospects.


Google Ads:

Search Ads: Targeted keywords like “enterprise network solutions” and “advanced network security” to reach users actively seeking their products.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): Adjusted bids and customized ads for users who previously visited their website.

LinkedIn Ads:

Account-Based Marketing: Delivered ads to specific high-value companies identified by sales teams using LinkedIn’s company targeting features.

Sponsored InMail: Sent personalized messages to IT directors and network managers within these target companies.

Synergy Between Platforms:

Active Search to Targeted Outreach: Captured intent through Google Search Ads and followed up with LinkedIn ABM for deeper engagement with key accounts.

Cross-Channel Insights: Used search data to inform LinkedIn targeting and tailored messaging based on user interests.

Integrated Sales Approach: Aligned marketing efforts with sales initiatives for a unified outreach strategy.


Pipeline Growth: Increased qualified leads by 35%.

Engagement Rates: Prospects engaged on both platforms were 40% more likely to request a demo.

Deal Closure: Improved close rates due to targeted, multi-touchpoint engagement with decision-makers.


By combining Google Search Ads with LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing, Cisco effectively reached and engaged IT leaders, resulting in higher-quality leads and increased sales.

5. Slack: Expanding Business Adoption by Synchronizing Google App Campaigns with LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads


Slack aimed to increase adoption of its communication platform among business teams and enterprises. By synchronizing Google App Campaigns to drive app installs with LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads to engage business leaders, they effectively expanded their user base and enterprise adoption.


Google Ads:

App Campaigns: Promoted Slack’s mobile app across Google Search, Play Store, YouTube, and Display Network to encourage downloads.

Universal App Campaigns (UAC): Leveraged machine learning for optimal ad placement and performance.

LinkedIn Ads:

Lead Gen Ads: Offered demos and informational content to HR managers, IT administrators, and team leaders responsible for communication tools.

Sponsored Content: Shared articles on enhancing workplace productivity and collaboration using Slack.

Synergy Between Platforms:

App Install to Business Adoption: Used Google App Campaigns to drive individual user adoption and LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads to promote organizational implementation among decision-makers.

Dual-Funnel Approach: Addressed both end-users (employees) and decision-makers (managers) through their preferred channels.

Data Alignment: Utilized insights from app installs to inform LinkedIn targeting strategies, focusing on companies with active Slack users.


User Growth: Increased app installs by 50%.

Enterprise Adoption: Boosted organizational sign-ups by 40%.

Engagement: Users exposed to both campaigns showed higher retention and engagement rates.


By synchronizing Google App Campaigns with LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads, Slack effectively expanded its reach among both individual users and business leaders, driving overall growth and deepening market penetration.

Final Thoughts: Aligning Your Strategy for Maximum Impact

In the battle between Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads, there’s no one-size-fits-all winner. Each platform has its unique strengths, and the right choice depends on your business goals, target audience, and budget. Here’s what to remember:

Google Ads is perfect for quick conversions, whether online or in-store, and offers flexibility with budgets while providing immediate, measurable results.

LinkedIn Ads is the ideal platform for B2B businesses and those looking to build long-term relationships with high-value clients. While the cost may be higher, the quality of the leads and the potential for larger sales often justifies the investment.

Pro Tip: You don’t have to choose one over the other. In fact, combining both platforms could be the secret to maximizing your sales. Use Google Ads to capture immediate, ready-to-buy customers, while LinkedIn Ads can be used to nurture relationships and target high-value prospects over time. This combined approach ensures you cover all bases—from quick wins to long-term growth.

Gear Up, Choose Your Champion—or Harness Both!

The best way to drive sales is to be where your customers are, offer them value, and make their purchase journey as effortless as possible. Whether you go with Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or a powerful combination of both, the key is to align your strategy with your business objectives.

So, gear up, choose your platform (or both), and start knocking out your sales targets today!


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